Male/Female Roles 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
From School Library Journal Grade 9 Up - This title, like its 2000 edition, looks at gender roles in American society and how they are established. The book consists of four chapters, each with its own introduction and periodical bibliography. Each essay begins with points to ponder and directs readers' attention to key essay points. The essayists cover a wide range of topics, from the biology of gender to questions about the importance of fathers. It should be noted, however, that the entries are clearly viewpoints, and not based on hard research, with the exception of the articles on the biological imperatives that impact gender. This means that the articles can cause some confusion for young people in terms of what and who to believe. This problem is deepened when the essayists see feminism as the enemy. This is a curious stance to take, since gender roles as they now exist can and should be separated from the feminist movement. It's also interesting to note that the gender roles discussed here have primarily to do with white, educated, middle- and upper-class society. Are there different gender role expectations along race, class, religious, and ethnic fault lines? That would be the more compelling argument if some of those topics had been addressed. - Carol Jones Collins, Columbia High School, Maplewood, NJ Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Review Booklist : "Long-standing series about controversial contemporary issues continue(s) to turn out exceptional titles. Greenhaven's Opposing Viewpoints presents multiple perspectives on hot topics such as abortion, the death penalty, and censorship through excerpts from primary materials ranging from speeches to cartoons." -- Booklist (October 2001)School Library Journal : "The format and approach are identical to other titles in the series; both sides of a particular issue are explored in depth. Each essay is prefaced by questions that will help students focus their reading and each chapter concludes with suggestions for further reading and research. Students will find the articles helpful in examining these controversial and often emotional issues." -- School Library Journal (August 2002)Booklist : "As usual for books in this series, there are plenty of follow-up sources for students to pursue." -- Booklist (June 2002)School Library Journal : "The language is understandable but not simplistic, the pieces are clearly titles for easy identification, and a few cartoons and charts break up the dense text. This unbiased collection is a welcome resource for researchers and debaters." -- School Library Journal (June 2002)School Library Journal : "Written by educators, scientists, journalists, doctors, veterinarians, members of the clergy and advocates. This excellent volume will elicit group discussion and help to develop critical thinking and analysis of sensitive issues." -- School Library Journal (May 2002)UNKNOWN : "This supplemental reader is perfect for getting students involved in discussion. The resulting debates are sure to reinforce any primary readings and will breathe life into any standard lecture oriented course. This supplement is a useful tool for instructors to get students involved." -- Crime and Justive International (May 2002)Booklist : "As always in the Opposing Viewpoints series, there are voices from many sides of the debate." -- Booklist (April 2002)Booklist : "Most present clear, fact-supported points that readers will find valuable for speeches and reports. Editorial cartoons, anectdotes, and statistics break up the essays, make reading easier. This is a well-balanced approach to the issues, argued with studied analysis rather than bind emotion." -- Booklist (April 2002)Book Report : "This series is invaluable for preparing students for debates, classes, or research assignments. Opposing Viewpoints books help prepare high school students for critical thinking and make them aware of issues that affect society today. Recommended." -- The Book Report (March-April 2002)School Library Journal : "Most useful in schools with religion and/or philosophy courses, but should also appeal to general readers." -- School Library Journal (April 2002)Booklist : "Well-balanced collection of essays. Sometimes complementary, sometimes contradictory, the many views clearly articulated here make this volume an excellent starting place for any thoughtful discussion." -- Booklist (Febraury 2002)Booklist : "This Opposing Viewpoints selection uses essays that swing wildly toward extremes to cover the topic. The writing becomes even more heated in the following sections...The shocking arguments and sometimes-blatant absurdity makes nearly all the essays compelling reading, wth students needing only a glimpse at an article's title to determine tone and subjectivity of the author. Most essays are short, get right to the core of their arguments, and blast readers with examples that fit the emotional topic." -- Booklist (September 2001) See all Editorial Reviews
Male/Female Roles 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书