Out in the brown and dusty West lived a cowgirl named Jules- genuine like leather, strong like licorice. Her horse, Gertie, could sing, dance, cook, make a mean cup of coffee, multiply, divide, and speak three languages . . . Mean Bulldog Pike and his horse, Bullet, give this talented twosome a run for their money with a crooked scheme to steal all the water in Sugar Dip. Will Jules and Gertie be able to save the town from this dastardly plot, or will the people of Sugar Dip never enjoy another glass of water again? In the tradition of dusty desert towns and cowgirl grit, Jules and Gertie blaze new trails as the toughest ten-gallon heroines in the Wild West. Yikki Yea!
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Trouble at Sugar-Dip Well 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載