James Herriot is the pen name of James Alfred Wight, OBE, also known as Alf Wight (3 October 1916 - 23 February 1995), a British veterinary surgeon and writer. Wight is best known for his semi-autobiographical stories, often referred to collectively as All Creatures Great and Small, a title used in some editions and in film and television adaptations.
All Things Wise and Wonderful 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
读完这本书已经一个多星期了,刚读完割舍这本心头爱推荐给男票读了。似乎在没有这本书的日子,心情马上就黯淡很多,烦恼也会在入睡前纷至沓来。 今年上海的春天很反常,它总是在最温暖最舒适的时候,给你又来个下马威,哆哆嗦嗦的把羽绒服又从真空袋里翻出来。而越来越繁...
评分每一篇都是一部小品 每个小故事都有个小小的意味 初读的时候觉得有些太过平淡 但越往后越能体会到一种温暖人心的感觉 整本书都是在睡前看的 在冬夜读感觉很温暖 很喜欢讲西格的那篇 '相依为命"也印象深刻
评分这是我看这套书的最后一本,顺序并不对,但我觉得是最好的。 开头那两本惊艳世人的地方在于,那是一扇初次打开的门,使我们见到世上还有这样人格圆融、仁慈、对世界不坏恶意的人。他的笔法、行文构思并无多少进步和老练之处,事实上他不是个真正的作家,但他总能找到最趣致的...
评分每一篇都是一部小品 每个小故事都有个小小的意味 初读的时候觉得有些太过平淡 但越往后越能体会到一种温暖人心的感觉 整本书都是在睡前看的 在冬夜读感觉很温暖 很喜欢讲西格的那篇 '相依为命"也印象深刻
评分近来一口气读了该系列已出的三本书,难得有这样从书名开始就让人喜欢的书。All things bright and beautiful.All creatures great and small.All things wise and wonderful.The lord made them all.Every living thing.我会耐心等后两本出版。 在《万物既聪慧又奇...
图书标签: 外国文学 英文 英国 文学 外国 回忆录 传记 人生
"A very warm, very engaging read. . . . The reader falls totally under his spell."
--Associated Press
The second volume in the multimillion copy bestselling series
Millions of readers have delighted in the wonderful storytelling and everyday miracles of James Herriot in the over thirty years since his delightful animal stories were first introduced to the world.
Now in a new edition for the first time in a decade, All Things Bright and Beautiful is the beloved sequel to Herriot's first collection, All Creatures Great and Small, and picks up as Herriot, now newly married, journeys among the remote hillside farms and valley towns of the Yorkshire Dales, caring for their inhabitants---both two- and four-legged. Throughout, Herriot's deep compassion, humor, and love of life shine out as we laugh, cry, and delight in his portraits of his many, varied animal patients and their equally varied owners.
"Humor, realism, sensitivity, earthiness; animals comic and tragic; and people droll, pathetic, courageous, eccentric---all of whom he views with the same gentle compassion and a lively sense of the sad, the ridiculous, and the admirable."
--Columbus Dispatch
James Herriot 的万物系列非常有趣
All Things Wise and Wonderful 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书