(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)
By virtue of its casual, off-handedly brilliant wisdom and the easy splendor of its nature writing, Thoreau’s account of his adventure in self-reliance on the shores of a pond in Massachusetts is one of the signposts by which the modern mind has located itself in an increasingly bewildering world. Deeply sane, invigorating in its awareness of humanity’s place in the moral and natural order, Walden represents the progressive spirit of nineteenth-century America at its eloquent best.
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文/ 夢遊三水 湖是風景中最美麗、最富於錶情的姿容。它是大地的眼睛,觀看著它的人也可衡量自身天性的深度。湖邊的樹是眼睛邊上細長的睫毛,而四周鬱鬱蔥蔥的群山和懸崖,則是眼睛上濃密的眉毛。 ——《瓦爾登湖》 (一) 一...
評分覺得這版的翻譯糟糕,讀不下去,如翔在喉? 花錢買瞭失望又後悔? 不要後悔! 這位版稅即將破百萬的李繼宏老師在廣播內宣布: “樓上那些瞎逼逼的,你們去找本書看瞭再來會死嗎?去買本我譯的《瓦爾登湖》,看瞭不滿意,拿發票來找我退錢,雙倍。” - 伯恩斯李 http://www.do...
評分「當一個人離群索居時,纔可能體會齣生命的意義」梭羅 是的,我同意,因為孤獨是必要的,因為孤獨可以使生命恢復完整,可以迴到自我的根源,求得身心安頓。 梭羅這麽說:「若是一天裡有幾個時段可待在自己的空間裡,完全忠實的麵對自己,真是一大釋放,它們可以...
評分《瓦爾登湖》很像是指導人做人的教科書。 中學時代聽說這本書陪伴海子走完瞭他最後的歲月,便好奇地看。斷斷續續,沒有興緻,沒有耐心。直到這個夏天,迫於某種任務的壓力再把非劇情的文字串起來時,竟有種敬佩的感動。 作為一個哈佛畢業生,梭羅的歸隱似乎比很...
評分文/ 夢遊三水 湖是風景中最美麗、最富於錶情的姿容。它是大地的眼睛,觀看著它的人也可衡量自身天性的深度。湖邊的樹是眼睛邊上細長的睫毛,而四周鬱鬱蔥蔥的群山和懸崖,則是眼睛上濃密的眉毛。 ——《瓦爾登湖》 (一) 一...
圖書標籤: 梭羅 1001
Reading Walden, one'd glance into the mind of Thoreau and see his character and learn his preferences. You'd realize this is a great man with great ideals - but not entirely without flaws, yet you come to respect him regardless and embrace certain teachings.
評分Reading Walden, one'd glance into the mind of Thoreau and see his character and learn his preferences. You'd realize this is a great man with great ideals - but not entirely without flaws, yet you come to respect him regardless and embrace certain teachings.
評分Reading Walden, one'd glance into the mind of Thoreau and see his character and learn his preferences. You'd realize this is a great man with great ideals - but not entirely without flaws, yet you come to respect him regardless and embrace certain teachings.
評分Reading Walden, one'd glance into the mind of Thoreau and see his character and learn his preferences. You'd realize this is a great man with great ideals - but not entirely without flaws, yet you come to respect him regardless and embrace certain teachings.
評分Reading Walden, one'd glance into the mind of Thoreau and see his character and learn his preferences. You'd realize this is a great man with great ideals - but not entirely without flaws, yet you come to respect him regardless and embrace certain teachings.
Walden 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載