羅伯特•A.卡洛 (Robert A.Caro, 1935—)
This is the story of the rise to national power of a desperately poor young man from the Texas Hill Country. The Path to Power reveals in extraordinary detail the genesis of the almost superhuman drive, energy, and ambition that set LBJ apart. It follows him from the Hill Country to New Deal Washington, from his boyhood through the years of the Depression to his debut as Congressman, his heartbreaking defeat in his first race for the Senate, and his attainment, nonetheless, at age 31, of the national power for which he hungered. In this book, we are brought as close as we have ever been to a true perception of political genius and the American political process.
Means of Ascent, Book Two of The Years of Lyndon Johnson, was a number one national best seller and, like The Path to Power, received the National Book Critics Circle Award.
From the Trade Paperback edition.
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作者是誰 羅伯特卡羅(Robert Caro),美國當代最傑齣的政治傳記作傢,非常低産,這輩子隻為三個人(其中一個還是他自己)寫瞭傳記,不過其中兩部得瞭美國新聞曆史寫作文學界最高榮譽普利策奬,其他也獲奬無數。 約翰遜是誰 林登貝恩斯約翰遜(LBJ),美國第36任總統,1963年時...
評分《權力之路》 1、作者收集的資料相當豐富、詳實,幾百人的采訪,不是泛泛而談的記錄,而是深度挖掘受訪人的真實錶達,努力求證,去蕪存菁;文件資料、媒體報道、往來信件等等文字資料浩如煙海,逐項整理、按時間或相關事件細細梳理,盡最大努力串聯或還原齣真相,這巨大的工作...
評分迴到古代,司馬光跟王安石雖然同朝為官,還是會一來一迴地寫《與王介甫書》和《答司馬諫議書》;大臣雖然上朝見得到皇上,也要寫正規的奏摺遞上去。 中國古代有很多大臣,能夠做到位極人臣,主要是奏章和來往批復的文件寫得好。 比如明朝前後兩任首輔大臣夏言和嚴嵩,就是靠文...
評分《權力之路》 1、作者收集的資料相當豐富、詳實,幾百人的采訪,不是泛泛而談的記錄,而是深度挖掘受訪人的真實錶達,努力求證,去蕪存菁;文件資料、媒體報道、往來信件等等文字資料浩如煙海,逐項整理、按時間或相關事件細細梳理,盡最大努力串聯或還原齣真相,這巨大的工作...
評分圖書標籤: 傳記 政治 美國政治 美國 英文原版 歷史 小說
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