马修·波利 (Matthew Polly),美国旅行作家。1992年,21岁的马修前往中国,在河南少林寺学艺两年,拜释永信为师,是少林寺第一位正式的美国弟子。2003年,他应邀在著名的在线杂志Slate.com上撰写一系列有关中国的旅行文章。2007年,马修的回忆录 American Shaolin 在美国出版。2011年,他出版了另一部非虚构作品Tapped Out,记录了他受训两年并最终成为一位综合格斗师(MMA)的经历。目前,他正在撰写一部关于李小龙的书。
American Shaolin 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我一开始阅读本书,是本着想把“译文纪实”这套丛书看完的野心。却没想到花了很久时间才读完。本书像是现代美国人来遥远东方的一次见闻录,不经筛选,也不经思考,流水账一般洋洋洒洒的写就而成。虽然一开始的阅读体验挺让我失望,但放低对它的期待,他还是有自身的价值。 本书...
评分日出嵩山,晨钟惊鸟,少林寺声名远扬。 少林寺不仅是一个寺庙,更是一个商业帝国。方丈释永信被描绘成一个大腹便便的商人,忙着收购与扩张地盘。不过在美国人马修的眼里,他的师傅释永信应该不是这样的人。 马修1992年第一次到少林寺的时候,是一个身高超过一米九,体重不足140...
评分好看。非常幽默。布局也棒。我坚持看到晚上三点多,结果第二天早上的跑步比赛差点拉到肌肉。 离不开和何伟的比较。我觉得何伟笔下往往有“理解的同情”,不知道是他接触得深,还是因为接触得多所以带有感情。本书笔下的中国和中国人,显然更加中立和纯粹。中国,尤其是内陆广...
图书标签: 小说 非虚构 社会 中国
Bill Bryson meets Bruce Lee in this raucously funny story of one scrawny American’s quest to become a kung fu master at China’s legendary Shaolin Temple. Growing up a ninety-pound weakling tormented by bullies in the schoolyards of Kansas, young Matthew Polly dreamed of one day journeying to the Shaolin Temple in China to become the toughest fighter in the world, like Caine in his favorite 1970s TV series, Kung Fu . While in college, Matthew decided the time had come to pursue this quixotic dream before it was too late. Much to the dismay of his parents, he dropped out of Princeton to spend two years training with the legendary sect of monks who invented kung fu and Zen Buddhism. Expecting to find an isolated citadel populated by supernatural ascetics that he’d seen in countless badly dubbed chop-socky flicks, Matthew instead discovered a tacky tourist trap run by Communist party hacks. But the dedicated monks still trained in the rigorous age-old fighting forms—some even practicing the "iron kung fu" discipline, in which intensive training can make various body parts virtually indestructible (even the crotch). As Matthew grew in his knowledge of China and kung fu skill, he would come to represent the Temple in challenge matches and international competitions, and ultimately the monks would accept their new American initiate as close to one of their own as any Westerner had ever become. Laced with humor and illuminated by cultural insight, American Shaolin is an unforgettable coming-of-age tale of one young man’s journey into the ancient art of kung fu—and a funny and poignant portrait of a rapidly changing China.
American Shaolin 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书