西蒙·戈德希尔(Simon Goldhill),古典学家,就职于剑桥大学国王学院与剑桥大学古典学系。主要研究领域包括:古希腊悲剧、古希腊后期文学、古希腊文学接受史等,在古典学界享有崇高声誉,其著作已被译为十余种语言出版。2009年当选为美国人文艺术与科学学会院士;2010年被任命为剑桥大学人文社科研究院John Harvard名誉教授;2016年当选英国社会科学院院士;现任剑桥大学人文社科研究院主席。代表作有:Jerusalem:City of Longing,Victorian Culture and Classical Antiquity,Sophocles and the Language of Tragedy。
Aeschylus 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
This is the only general introduction in English to Aeschylus' Oresteia, one of the most important and most influential of all Greek dramas. It discusses the Greek drama festival and the social and political background of Greek tragedy, and offers a reading of this central trilogy. Simon Goldhill focuses on the play's themes of justice, sexual politics, violence, and the position of man within culture, and explores how Aeschylus constructs a myth for the city in which he lived. A final chapter considers the influence of the Oresteia on later theatre. Its clear structure and guide to further reading will make this an invaluable guide for students and teachers alike.
Aeschylus 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书