Blake's 7, Terry Nation's science fiction tale of cosmic freedom fighters, became a hit series in Great Britain when it premiered in 1978. Eight years later, the show quickly became a cult program in America. The series defied traditional genre elements of science fiction television, and developed the concept of the continual ?story arc? years before such shows as Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine. This book provides a critical history and episode guide for Blake's 7, including commentaries for all 52 episodes. Also included are analytical essays on the show, dealing with such topics as themes, imagery and story arc; a consideration of the series as a futuristic Robin Hood myth; cinematography and visual effects; and an overview of Blake's 7 in books, comics and videos. A detailed appendix lists the genre conventions found in the series. The author also includes information about Blake's 7 fan clubs and Internet sites.
A History and Critical Analysis of "Blake's 7", the 1978-1981 British Television Space Adventure 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
A History and Critical Analysis of "Blake's 7", the 1978-1981 British Television Space Adventure 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載