John Singer Sargent 是19世纪末、20世纪初活跃在欧美两地的优秀人像画家,同时也是一位卓越的水彩画大师。他所画人像生动逼真,为大家所赞赏;在水彩画方面,对于光与形的处理,也非一般画家所能及,他遵从美的需求,永远保持着技法的新鲜,引人入胜.
John Singer Sargent 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 艺术史 萨金特 绘画 画册 John_Singer_Sargent Art
This is the third volume of the catalogue raisonne of the work of the American painter John Singer Sargent (1856-1925). Comprising over 200 portraits and portrait sketches in oil and watercolour, painted between 1900 and the artist's death in 1925, this work completes the trilogy of portrait volumes. The catalogued works have been grouped into two chronological sections, each with its own introduction to set the particular group in context. There is also a section of undated portraits and an appendix listing previously unrecorded works. Each work is documented in depth: entries include traditional data about the painting or watercolour; details of the work's provenance, exhibition history, and bibliography; a short biography of the sitter; a discussion of the circumstances in which the work was created; and a critical discussion of its subject matter, style and significance in Sargent's career. With very few exceptions, all the works are reproduced in colour. There is also an illustrated inventory of Sargent's studio props and accessories and a cross-referenced checklist of the portraits in which they appear.
John Singer Sargent 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书