Antoine de Saint Exupéry
他以飛行見聞為基礎創作的《小王子》感動瞭全世界一代又一代的讀者,至今全球發行量已逾五億冊,僅次於《聖經》。聖埃剋蘇佩裏一生以飛行為業,他雖是法國文壇最重要的作傢之一,但他在 生前卻認為,自己首先是一名飛行員,他為飛行而生,為飛行而死。
1975年11月2日,一顆小行星被命名為“Antoine de Saint Exupéry(安東尼•德•聖埃剋蘇佩裏)”,編號2578。在去世31年後,聖埃剋蘇佩裏終於擁有瞭自己的一顆星星。但願在他的星星上,種滿瞭玫瑰花。
Featuring an Introduction by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, this book, a recipient of the Grand Prix of the Academie Francaise, offers an exciting account of air adventure combined with Saint-Exupery's compelling prose and philosophy.
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評分每個認識聖埃剋蘇佩裏的人,往往都是從他的《小王子》開始的。這一本寫給孩子,更是寫給大人的書,帶給我們的感動和思考時至今日仍未減退。“小王子”就這樣默默的陪伴著一代代人的成長。 或許,我們從未想過追溯“小王子”究竟如何來到聖埃剋蘇佩裏的文字中的...
評分小王子的作者的另一本書.關於飛行、寂寞與勇氣、還有遺失的童年。 很偶然的買到,然後一口氣讀完。覺得非常非常親切,美麗的文字,想必齣自同樣美麗細膩的心。“我們一直在想辦法朝星星的方嚮飛。”以前懵懂的讀小王子,狐疑和驚異,現在再看這本書,明白白雲之上,有一...
圖書標籤: 法國文學
He is always a child because he knows that, in face of the nature, human beings are always naive and immature. He knows what is the essence of life and what is the core of a human being.
評分He is always a child because he knows that, in face of the nature, human beings are always naive and immature. He knows what is the essence of life and what is the core of a human being.
評分He is always a child because he knows that, in face of the nature, human beings are always naive and immature. He knows what is the essence of life and what is the core of a human being.
評分He is always a child because he knows that, in face of the nature, human beings are always naive and immature. He knows what is the essence of life and what is the core of a human being.
評分He is always a child because he knows that, in face of the nature, human beings are always naive and immature. He knows what is the essence of life and what is the core of a human being.
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