約瑟夫·尤金·斯蒂格利茨(英語:Joseph Eugene Stiglitz,又譯為約瑟夫·史迪格裏茲,1943年2月9日-),小名喬·斯蒂格利茨(Joe Stiglitz),美國經濟學傢,哥倫比亞大學教員。他在資訊經濟學上有重大貢獻,是新興凱因斯經濟學派的重要成員之一,與保羅·剋魯曼在諸多觀點相同。
This powerful, unsettling book gives us a rare glimpse behind the closed doors of global financial institutions by the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics. When it was first published, this national bestseller quickly became a touchstone in the globalization debate. Renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz had a ringside seat for most of the major economic events of the last decade, including stints as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and chief economist at the World Bank. Particularly concerned with the plight of the developing nations, he became increasingly disillusioned as he saw the International Monetary Fund and other major institutions put the interests of Wall Street and the financial community ahead of the poorer nations. Those seeking to understand why globalization has engendered the hostility of protesters in Seattle and Genoa will find the reasons here. While this book includes no simple formula on how to make globalization work, Stiglitz provides a reform agenda that will provoke debate for years to come. Rarely do we get such an insider's analysis of the major institutions of globalization as in this penetrating book. With a new foreword for this paperback edition. Those seeking to understand why globalization has engendered the hostility of protesters in Seattle and Genoa will find the reasons here. While this book includes no simple formula on how to make globalization work, Stiglitz provides a reform agenda that will provoke debate for years to come. Rarely do we get such an insider's analysis of the major institutions of globalization as in this penetrating book. With a new foreword for this paperback edition.
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Globalization and its discontents 作者 : 約瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨,(1942——) 27歲的耶魯經濟學教授,薩繆爾森“這個年輕人比我聰明!” 36歲,“約翰•貝茨•剋拉剋”,美國經濟學界最有名望的奬項之一(80年,曾同中國領導人會麵,提倡漸進式市場經濟,而那時中國剛...
評分 評分Globalization and Its Discontents,讓人一下想到弗洛伊德的那本名著,作者“野心”昭然紙上,標題黨啊標題黨。 不過作為美國總統經濟顧問和世行首席經濟學傢,Stiglitz很有良心地為我們揭示瞭WB, IMF等組織是如何藉經濟自由名義推行歪理邪說的。“我驚訝於如此多的決策都由政...
評分 評分1、 資本賬戶的開放是毫無意義的,因為資本的流動是順周期的,當經濟繁榮的時候,資本會大量流入,加劇泡沫,當經濟衰退的時候,資本會大量流齣,加劇衰退。 2、 IMF藥方的特點是:固定匯率,而提高利率以抑製通脹和穩定匯率,其邏輯在於,如果匯率提高,自然有資本流入。但是...
圖書標籤: 金融 經濟 斯蒂格利茨 華盛頓共識 全球化
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