More 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
GRD西社作业 http://www.douban.com/note/190692460/ —————————————————————————————————————————————— 乌托邦与废托邦 乌托邦,五百年前所构造的社会理想形式;废托邦,现代文学所塑造的未来社会。 乌托邦与废托邦,是理想,也...
评分有一部电视剧名叫《爱在哈佛》(2004),在哈佛法学院的课上,法学教授问一名学生:What novel has deeply impressed your mind?那名学生愣了一下回答说Utopia by Thomas More。教授扬了扬眉头说道:It is a book which every judicial person must read,what part of the bo...
评分 评分去年“柏拉图注疏集”丛书引进的《柏拉图的神话之镜》是本思路很独特的学术著作。在第九章,作者论述柏拉图的大西岛神话时顺便提到了《乌托邦》,做了一番比较详尽的分析: *和大全划清界限,并建立一个构成性的、单一的统一体,这有悖于形象的规则。乌托邦成了一个封闭的社...
评分最近花了两天的时间,终于把莫尔的《乌托邦》看完了。之所以看她,是冲着这本书的名头去的,毕竟,经典书目啊,还是想一睹风采。 书并不厚,仅一百五十来页,较之于那些动辄五百多页的大部头来说,此书可谓袖珍了。胡凤飞译本,北京出版社。译文较为朴实,通俗易懂...
图书标签: 英国 政治 经典 政治哲学 哲学 English
This is a fully revised 2002 edition of what is already one of the most successful volumes in the entire series of Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought. This revision incorporates the many refinements to the translation of Utopia undertaken for the dual-language scholarly edition published by Cambridge in 1995, and Professor Logan has also updated the editorial commentary and introduction to take account of scholarship published since the first Cambridge Texts edition of Utopia appeared in 1989. This Logan-Adams edition is firmly established as the most accurate, accessible and student-friendly rendition of Utopia currently available. All the usual series features are included, with a concise introduction, chronology of More's life, and notes for further reading. This revised rendition should introduce further generations of students to Utopia, one of the most influential books in the western philosophical and literary tradition, and one of the supreme achievements of Renaissance humanism.
评分之前測試唯一錯的一題竟然是和自己同一天生日的More老師,總算補上一課...(ง •̀_•́)ง
评分之前測試唯一錯的一題竟然是和自己同一天生日的More老師,總算補上一課...(ง •̀_•́)ง
More 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书