The contributions of Carl Jung to understanding of the human psyche are immense. Starting as Freud's most famous disciple, Jung soon broke away from his mentor to follow his own lines of investigation and discovery. Many of Jung's ideas are now considered fundamentals in the study of the mind, but other, more controversial theories dealing with the psychological relevance of alchemy, ESP, astrology, and occultism are only now being seriously examined. This condensation and summary of Jung's life and work by two eminent psychology professors is written with deep understanding and extraordinary clarity and, along with its companion volume, A Primer Of Jungian Psychology is essential reading for anyone interested in the hidden depths of the mind.
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評分 評分亂七八糟讀瞭有一些榮格的書,但是沒有什麼自己形成的邏輯性,就比較混亂,看這本書真的就是感覺啊呀怎麼不早看,條理易懂多瞭,不知道是不是也有之前看過的書的功勞。 概念就不說瞭,我說也不會有書說的清楚,反而看到最後的一段很心動。 首先要從“你一生的故事”說起,從17...
評分 評分看過這麼多心理學的書,這是一本極具殺傷力的心理學著作!以前隻知道榮格提齣過集體潛意識的概念,但是這本書對榮格的這些理論體係做瞭較好的梳理。榮格列舉的這些原型實在是太有意義瞭,對於心理分析非常有用。應該說把我帶入瞭心理分析的大門。因此接下來果斷看《榮格自傳》。
圖書標籤: 榮格 Psychology
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