"The Psychology of Survivor" is a collection of essays on the popular reality show, "Survivor," and is not authorized by CBS, writers, creators, or producers of "Survivor," or anyone associated with the show. From situational ethics and tribal loyalties to stress and body image, this collection of essays employs cutting-edge psychology to delve into the dynamics of the hit television show "Survivor." Containing new thoughts and theories on the past 13 seasons of the show--which many consider the mother of reality television--this analysis looks at the root behaviors and emotions that come to light while people are being filmed competing for a large sum of money while stranded on a deserted island. Insight into the program's psychodynamics explores why macho alpha males rarely win, what makes fellow survivors like one another, and why the behavior of certain players, such as Rob Cesternino, became infamous.
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The Psychology of Survivor 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載