..." a warm, lively, and altogether accessible introduction to the growth and development of human consciousness from birth to enlightenment." -- Ken Wilber "We are on the hinge of history, with a new view of reality taking shape before our eyes. For a captivating glimpse of this emerging worldview, When Beliefs Fail is highly recommended." -- Larry Dossey Caught between a scientific worldview that scoffs at the spiritual and a mythical worldview that runs counter to scientific reason, many seekers don't know where to turn. For those whose beliefs -- religious, agnostic, or atheistic -- fail to make sense or provide inner peace, Jim Stempel offers hope. Explaining that the barrier to truth is the limitation of our beliefs, Stempel encourages an expanding of our focus. Just as the noise and movement of a carwash seem chaotic to those who stay inside their cars, so can our lives seem chaotic when we are on the inside looking out. When Beliefs Fail takes us outside our personal sound and fury to look at the whole.
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