Every day we are surrounded by chemicals that are potentially harmful. Some of these we take intentionally in the form of drugs; some we take unknowingly through the food we eat, and the environment around us. John Timbrell explores what makes particular chemicals harmful, what their effects are, and how we can test for them. He examines drugs such as Paracetamol and what it does to the body; Ricin, the most toxic substance known to man; Paraquat, a widely available weedkiller; and how the puffer fish, eaten as a delicacy in Japan, can kill. Using case studies from all around the world, such as the Spanish Oil syndrome which made over 20,000 people ill in Madrid, Timbrell uncovers the facts behind chemical scares. He shows how, with a rational, scientific, and balanced approach, risks can be assessed and managed safely.
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讀這本書,需要點想象力——不用太多,一點點,就夠瞭! ------------------------------------------- 好的,就此開始吧,讓我們打開手裏的這本《毒物魅影》,請翻到第230頁。 這裏是“第九章,拉斯普丁的復仇——殺人的化學物”,這本書裏最能勾起你無限遐想的一章,所以...
評分讀這本書,需要點想象力——不用太多,一點點,就夠瞭! ------------------------------------------- 好的,就此開始吧,讓我們打開手裏的這本《毒物魅影》,請翻到第230頁。 這裏是“第九章,拉斯普丁的復仇——殺人的化學物”,這本書裏最能勾起你無限遐想的一章,所以...
評分 評分這本書,是從青年報上的讀書欄目看到的,後來從圖書館藉來看,關於內容,我記憶尚存的僅有“DDT” ,“氯痤瘡”和“橙色劑”。值得一提的是,我是頂著學期末,周圍同學都在緊張復習的壓力讀完它的,頗有成就感的是,當時不光完整的完成瞭閱讀,而且,那次考試成績相當好。
評分專有名詞釋義修改: 乙醯膽堿 乙酰膽堿 偶氮染料:一群閤成化學物,含有氮群 一類閤成化學物,含有偶氮基 氰化物:一種有毒的化學群(chemical grouping,簡稱CN) 一類有毒的化學物(chemical group,簡稱CN) 三氯-二苯-雙氯乙烷 二氯-二苯-三氯乙烷 乙二醇:酒精的一種 ...
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