托馬斯·庫恩(Thomas S. Kuhn,1922—1996), 美國物理學傢、科學哲學傢、科學史傢,被譽為“二戰後最具影響力的一位以英文寫作的哲學傢”(理查德·羅蒂語)。
庫恩於1949年獲物理學博士,後執教於加州大學、麻省理工學院等,任麻省理工學院語言學哲學勞倫斯·洛剋菲勒名譽教授(the Laurence Rockefeller Professor Emeritus of linguistics and philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)。主要著作有:《哥白尼革命:西方思想發展中的行星天文學》、《必要的張力》、《黑體理論和量子的不連續性》等。
伊安·哈金(Ian Hacking),加拿大多倫多大學榮譽教授,法蘭西學院“科學概念史與哲學”教授。
"A landmark in intellectual history which has attracted attention far beyond its own immediate field. . . . It is written with a combination of depth and clarity that make it an almost unbroken series of aphorisms. . . . Kuhn does not permit truth to be a criterion of scientific theories, he would presumably not claim his own theory to be true. But if causing a revolution is the hallmark of a superior paradigm, [this book] has been a resounding success." --Nicholas Wade, "Science" "Perhaps the best explanation of [the] process of discovery." --William Erwin Thompson, "New York Times Book Review" "Occasionally there emerges a book which has an influence far beyond its originally intended audience. . . . Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of ""Scientific Revolutions" . . . has clearly emerged as just such a work." --Ron Johnston, "Times Higher Education Supplement" "Among the most influential academic books in this century." --"Choice" One of "The Hundred Most Influential Books Since the Second World War," "Times Literary Supplement"""
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評分 評分上一次認真讀科學哲學,應該是十多年前的事情瞭,那時候還在大學。喜歡科學哲學,則更早,應該是中學。中學的時候,我們年級喜歡科學哲學的不隻我一個,有那麼一個小團體,被愛因斯坦的相對論以及玻爾的量子力學所吸引,看到瞭簡潔美,也看到爭論背後的玄妙。說小團體,其實不...
評分一、關於範式 每個科學共同體都有著自己的一組承諾,以及自己的如何從事研究的模型。除瞭令人矚目之外,科學成就還必須: 1、“空前地吸引一批堅定的用戶者”,使他們脫離科學活動的其他競爭模式; 2、它們必須是開放性的,具有許多的問題,以留待“重新組成的一批實踐者去解決...
圖書標籤: 科學哲學 科學史 2009讀
kuhn owes me a winter vocation
評分kuhn owes me a winter vocation
評分kuhn owes me a winter vocation
評分kuhn owes me a winter vocation
評分kuhn owes me a winter vocation
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