约翰·葛瑞本(John Gribbin),是剑桥大学天文物理学博士,也是著名专业科学作家。目前著作超过五十本,包括《寻找薛定谔猫》、《大爆炸探索》与《时间史漫画》(与凯特·查理渥斯合作)。
Deep Simplicity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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评分 评分深奥的简洁(2010-05-28 12:11:25)转载 标签:生命的起源钟摆理论时间箭头深奥的简洁 分类:果壳宇宙 我们每天生活的四周充满了复杂的而规律的神奇,我们却无暇去考虑: 风从遥远天际边飘过来而雨雪又从天上直接撒落,它们仿佛都有各自不同的原点和归宿. 在旷谷中听到风声中...
评分 评分先说书,相当赞!!直接列入将来推荐给我家小熊猫的书目单!嘿嘿! -语言简单平实 -内容清晰案例丰富,逻辑性强 -个人性的观点极少,评论性语句言简意赅、开明大义。 基本国内高中阅读的感觉,一般词汇量应付它绰绰有余。而且整本书由浅入深,从基础数学、经典物理,逐渐引...
图书标签: 哲学类 芒格 科学 芒格推荐 科普 哲学 英文原版 英文
Over the past two decades, no field of scientific inquiry has had a more striking impact across a wide array of disciplines–from biology to physics, computing to meteorology–than that known as chaos and complexity, the study of complex systems. Now astrophysicist John Gribbin draws on his expertise to explore, in prose that communicates not only the wonder but the substance of cutting-edge science, the principles behind chaos and complexity. He reveals the remarkable ways these two revolutionary theories have been applied over the last twenty years to explain all sorts of phenomena–from weather patterns to mass extinctions.
Grounding these paradigm-shifting ideas in their historical context, Gribbin also traces their development from Newton to Darwin to Lorenz, Prigogine, and Lovelock, demonstrating how–far from overturning all that has gone before–chaos and complexity are the triumphant extensions of simple scientific laws. Ultimately, Gribbin illustrates how chaos and complexity permeate the universe on every scale, governing the evolution of life and galaxies alike.
评分是本好书 但是好多都看得我晕晕的…不懂啊
Deep Simplicity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书