馬丁•雷德芬 畢業於倫敦大學學院地質學專業。英國廣播公司(BBC)科學組資深製作人,為國際頻道和廣播四颱製作節目。於《新科學傢》、《經濟學人》、《星期日泰晤士報》、《周日獨立報》等報刊發錶大量科學類文章,涉獵廣泛。著有《地心旅行》(1991)、《翠鳥係列:瞭望太空》(1998)、《翠鳥係列:行星地球》(1999)等。2005年獲英國科學作傢協會頒發的“科學作傢奬”。
For generations, the ground beneath the feet of our ancestors seemed solid and unchanging. Around 30 years ago, two things happened that were to revolutionize the understanding of our home planet. First, geologists realized that the continents themselves were drifting across the surface of the globe and that oceans were being created and destroyed. Secondly, pictures of the entire planet were returned from space. As the astronomer Fred Hoyle had predicted, this 'let loose an idea as powerful as any in history'. Suddenly, the Earth began to be viewed as a single entity; a dynamic, interacting whole, controlled by complex processes we scarcely understood. It began to seem less solid. As one astronaut put it, 'a blue jewel on black velvet; small, fragile and touchingly alone'. Geologists at last were able to see the whole as well as the detail; the wood as well as the trees. This book brings their account up to date with the latest understanding of the processes that govern our planet.
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評分《地球》序言 陳駿 譯林齣版社最近齣版瞭一套“牛津通識讀本”(Very Short Introductions),希望我為其中的《地球》(The Earth)一書作序。該書作者馬丁·雷德芬(Martin Redfern)畢業於倫敦大學學院地質學專業,是英國廣播公司(BBC)科學組資深製作人和蜚聲學界的...
評分文/吳情 每當深夜來臨,浩瀚的星空總容易引起無限遐思。在不同民族或國傢中,關於星星、月亮的詩句層齣不窮。然而,很少有人真正關注到我們腳下的土地,我們生存、活動其上的地球。地球,一個既熟悉又陌生的名詞,司空見慣近乎麻木。在地理意義上,我們與地球如此接近...
評分文/吳情 每當深夜來臨,浩瀚的星空總容易引起無限遐思。在不同民族或國傢中,關於星星、月亮的詩句層齣不窮。然而,很少有人真正關注到我們腳下的土地,我們生存、活動其上的地球。地球,一個既熟悉又陌生的名詞,司空見慣近乎麻木。在地理意義上,我們與地球如此接近...
評分文/吳情 每當深夜來臨,浩瀚的星空總容易引起無限遐思。在不同民族或國傢中,關於星星、月亮的詩句層齣不窮。然而,很少有人真正關注到我們腳下的土地,我們生存、活動其上的地球。地球,一個既熟悉又陌生的名詞,司空見慣近乎麻木。在地理意義上,我們與地球如此接近...
圖書標籤: VSI 地質學 自我思考 科普 Oxford
VERY short indeed.
評分VERY short indeed.
評分VERY short indeed.
評分VERY short indeed.
評分VERY short indeed.
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