吉诺•格塞雷(Gino Segrè),美国宾夕法尼亚大学物理和天文学教授。他是世界闻名的高能基本粒子理论物理学家,曾受到美国国家科学基金、艾尔弗雷德•斯隆基金、约翰•古根海姆基金和美国能源部的嘉奖。本书是他的代表作。
A Matter of Degrees 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
本书为查理芒格荐书之一,台湾版译名为#温度决定一切# 简单来说,就是以温度为线索,回顾近现代人类物理学,化学和生物学的伟大成就。 每天早上起来我们都会问自己三个问题,几点了?今天去干嘛?冷不冷(穿什么衣服)?分别对应了时间,距离和温度三个抽象概念,前两个概念人类...
评分好在我们还有知的快乐。 生活中没有价值的事太多,如果你有高中物理化学和生物的基础,这本书绝对帮助你试着挑战自己去接近世上最有智慧的大脑。 真正的而大师之作教你领略什么叫深入浅出。 反观我们的官僚学者,实在面目可憎,搞得校园几乎成了没有温度的死寂荒漠。
图书标签: 科技 查理·芒格推荐 英文原版 Physics 气候 查理·芒格 芒格推 芒格
In a wonderful synthesis of science, history, and imagination, Gino Segrè, an internationally renowned theoretical physicist, embarks on a wide-ranging exploration of how the fundamental scientific concept of temperature is bound up with the very essence of both life and matter. Why is the internal temperature of most mammals fixed near 98.6š? How do geologists use temperature to track the history of our planet? Why is the quest for absolute zero and its quantum mechanical significance the key to understanding superconductivity? And what can we learn from neutrinos, the subatomic "messages from the sun" that may hold the key to understanding the birth-and death-of our solar system? In answering these and hundreds of other temperature-sensitive questions, Segrè presents an uncanny view of the world around us.
评分Ruler, Clock, Thermometer...最后一章写的好人文 "consider how your souls were sown you were not made to live like brutes or beasts, but to pursue virtue and knowledge. ” 文科小白就是对一些科技大拿的八卦感兴趣,很多物理不太懂。
A Matter of Degrees 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书