保羅·戴維斯,英國物理學傢,主要研究現代宇宙學。University of Newcastle upon Tyne的理論物理學教授。
How did the universe begin and how will it end? What is matter? What is mind, and can it survive death? What are time and space, and how do they relate to ideas about God? Is the order of the universe the result of accident or design? The most profound and age-old questions of existence -- for centuries the focus of religion and philosophy -- may soon be answered through the extraordinary advances of a field of science known as the new physics. In this illuminating work, Paul Davies, author of the acclaimed "Other Worlds" and "The Edge of Infinity, " writes that the discoveries of 20th-century physics -- relativity and the quantum theory -- are now pointing the way to a new appreciation of man and his place in the universe. They could, in fact, bring within our grasp a unified description of all creation. Demanding a radical reformulation of the most fundamental aspects of reality and a way of thinking that is in closer accord with mysticism than materialism, the new physics, says Davies, offers a surer path to God than religion. Described by "The Washington Post" as "impressive," "God and the New Physics" is a fascinating look at the impact of science on what were formerly religious issues. Elegantly written, a book for both scholars and lay readers of science, it is, according to the "Christian Science Monitor, " a "provocative...rewarding intellectual romp."
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必須首先承認,談論這本書是我迄今為止乾過的唯一狂妄的事情。 我說的這本書,且不說作者如何瞭得(保羅•戴維斯先生是大名鼎鼎的英國宇宙物理學傢),單說這書名就挺嚇人:《上帝與新物理學》。上帝,新物理學,這兩個宏偉的詞,一看就叫人眼暈,況且中間還有一個“與”! ...
評分一個法國科學傢寫瞭一本書 試圖從純物理的角度解釋宇宙 當他把這本書呈送給拿破侖時 拿破侖問他 他的書裏 上帝在哪裏 他迴答說 陛下 我不需要這個假設 看這本書時 我經常想起來這個梗 這本書裏也提到瞭一點這個段子 作者講述瞭新物理學對以前屬於宗教的問題産生的影響 說白瞭...
評分這本書發錶於1989年,快三十年之後的今天看來依舊毫不過時,帶給我很多思考。 作者是一個物理學傢,在寫作本書的時候主要就如何用物理學的手段解釋宇宙做瞭說明,同時正麵打臉基督教的創世論,反對上帝的全知全能,這裏作者不僅用到瞭科學的論證思維,也用到瞭很多...
評分我一直以來的印象,科學與宗教就是一對冤傢,特彆是生長於“科學春天”的這代人,不知不覺就站到瞭信奉科學的隊伍當中,而宗教隻留給我一種導人為善的手段的印象,雖沒有反感之心,但每當看到有人打著宗教旗幟去損人利己時,不禁對宗教産生懷疑。 人生總免不瞭要麵對一個又一個...
評分此書運用物理論點來解釋哲學與宗教問題,邏輯緊湊,娓娓道來是喜歡哲學但對物理觀點瞭解不多同學不可多得的佳作。 雖然作者說科學是以邏輯實證主義為基礎,腳踏實地瞭解世界改變世界的工具。此書探討的主要問題卻是形式的(不是形式我也看不懂),下麵是我閱畢後以嘗試簡短解答的...
圖書標籤: 物理學 量子力學7 量子力學 科普 科學和宗教 科學 物理 宗教
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