莉兒•朗蒂(Leil Lowndes)是國際最知名的人際交往專傢和演講大師之一,她是全球知名經濟學雜誌《財富》(Fortune)的特約溝通力培訓師,並定期舉辦剋服羞怯心理的研習會。通過研究社會交往中人們的潛意識溝通法則,莉兒•朗蒂每年幫助上萬名因羞怯心理而産生交際障礙的人們重獲自信。
莉兒•朗蒂齣版瞭一係列剋服羞怯心理的溝通力暢銷書,《你就是臉皮不夠厚!》(Good-Bye to Shy)為其代錶力作,一舉登上《時代周刊》《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》《芝加哥論壇報》《洛杉磯時報》《今日心理學》暢銷書榜第1名,被翻譯成26國語言。
莉兒•朗蒂的官方網站www. lowndes. com為讀者們提供瞭更多溝通技巧,歡迎瀏覽。
Say hello to new friends, new business opportunities, new love, and new confidence Okay, so you're shy. Here are 85 proven techniques to help you conquer your shyness and change your life for good. No psychobabble. No nonsense. These tested "ShyBusters" prepare you for that upcoming party, work function, interview, date, and the rest of your life. As someone who overcame debilitating shyness herself, professional speaker Leil Lowndes used this method to become a confident woman who has been interviewed on hundreds of TV and radio shows and has spoken to crowds of 10,000. You'll soon be making "fearless conversation" with people who used to intimidate you. You'll learn how to win the love you deserve and ask for whatever you want. You will overcome embarrassing stammering, sweating, clamming up, and wishing you were invisible. "Good-Bye to Shy" will show you how to: Make a stronger impression at work, at parties, in "any" situation Feel more relaxed around people, make eye contact, and spark conversations Boost your career, jump-start your social life, and open your heart to new possibilities Say "Good-Bye to Shy"--and hello to the happy, loving, confident person who's been hiding inside you.
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相信許多人同我一樣,在生活中總會經曆過這些場景: 公交車上,遇見令自己心動的美女、帥哥,卻不敢開口和對方說一句話,哪怕是一句簡簡單單的你好; 朋友聚會時來瞭新朋友,就會感到不知所措,相對而無言,有時甚至會故意躲避對方的眼神; 遇見上司,領導,大氣不敢喘...
評分如果把剋服羞澀、戰勝害羞當做一個網遊,那麼《你就是臉皮太薄》就是這個網遊的通關秘籍。無論你是經驗豐富的老手還是初次接觸的老手,按照這本書的通關方法,一步一步修煉,逐層升級,你肯定會通關見到最終的大boss——自信的你自己。 不知你在生活中是否是一...
評分首先要說,書是一本好書,適用於所有覺得自己有些羞怯的人。 從形式上來說,書寫的簡短而且穿插著很多故事,趣味性十足,可讀性十分強,我是在晚上的時間,花瞭不到3小時就讀完。又用瞭大概3小時做瞭一下筆記。 從內容上來說,書中用簡短的案例與精粹的語言,簡單又直接的戳中...
圖書標籤: 自信
Goodbye to Shy 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載