Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 政治学 gender 文化 女权主义 sociology 社会学 政治哲学 政治
Polygamy, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, punishing women for being raped, differential access for men and women to health care and education, unequal rights of ownership, assembly, and political participation, unequal vulnerability to violence. These practices and conditions are standard in some parts of the world. Do demands for multiculturalism - and certain minority group rights in particular - make them more likely to continue and to spread to liberal democracies? Are there fundamental conflicts between our commitment to gender equity and our increasing desire to respect the customs of minority cultures or religions? In this book, the eminent feminist Susan Moller Okin and fifteen of the world's leading thinkers about feminism and multiculturalism explore these unsettling questions in a provocative, passionate, and illuminating debate. Okin opens by arguing that some group rights can, in fact, endanger women. She points, for example, to the French government's giving thousands of male immigrants special permission to bring multiple wives into the country, despite French laws against polygamy and the wives' own bitter opposition to the practice. Okin argues that if we agree that women should not be disadvantaged because of their sex, we should not accept group rights that permit oppressive practices on the grounds that they are fundamental to minority cultures whose existence may otherwise be threatened. In reply, some respondents reject Okin's position outright, contending that her views are rooted in a moral universalism that is blind to cultural difference. Others quarrel with Okin's focus on gender, or argue that we should be careful about which group rights we permit, but not reject the category of group rights altogether. Okin concludes with a rebuttal, clarifying, adjusting, and extending her original position. These incisive and accessible essays - expanded from their original publication in "Boston Review" and including four new contributions - are indispensable reading for anyone interested in one of the most contentious social and political issues today. The diverse contributors, in addition to Okin, are Azizah al-Hibri, Abdullahi An-Na'im, Homi Bhabha, Sander Gilman, Janet Halley, Bonnie Honig, Will Kymlicka, Martha Nussbaum, Bhikhu Parekh, Katha Pollitt, Robert Post, Joseph Raz, Saskia Sassen, Cass Sunstein, and Yael Tamir.
评分Susan Okin有关女性主义与多元文化主义之关系的基本立场是反对后现代式地解构性别概念,认为少数族裔的性别问题与既往主流理论所关注的(白人的)性别问题并非在质上截然不同,而只是在量上更甚。这个立场本可以也容易辩护,但是作者选取的路径很不明智,我们可称之为“方法论主义的叫嚣”或armchair positivism。她批评她的论敌言必称柏拉图,认为作为一个政治学学者的基本素养就是要有实证研究;但等到她自己正面论证的时候,却又毫无具体的事实,全都是浮光掠影地引用别人辛辛苦苦做的研究成果(并且只有结论)。做学问言行一致是根本的,要么一以贯之地对现实情况不感兴趣,做做理论;要做实证就真的去做。这种自己不做,还批评别人没做,最终把真正做了的人的成果拿来就用的作风令人不齿,满满的理科大牛教授既视感。
评分我比较认同性别平等的concept (而非“conception,”见dworkin)应为普世。因此如果一文化认为女性应该因为其性别而被亏待,而有更少的尊严和机会,那么我们可以认为其是一“落后”文化。但我们应允许,甚至鼓励,在此concept上(包括相关的尊严, 自由等concept上),不同文化有不同的conception。 我们应认识到自己思考的局限性,并如福柯所提醒的,重视所谓的自己的知识或”独立思考“如何被无处不在的权力影响着。如书中耶鲁法学院院长波斯特沿袭福柯的想法指出的,我们面临的挑战是怎样”distinguish between enabling and oppressive cultural norms,” 用福柯的话来说,怎样区分“建设性”和”限制性“的权力关系。
Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书