Writing in an age when the call for the rights of man had brought revolution to America and France, Mary Wollstonecraft produced her own declaration of female independence in 1792. Passionate and forthright, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman attacked the prevailing view of docile, decorative femininity and instead laid out the principles of emancipation: an equal education for girls and boys, an end to prejudice, and the call for women to become defined by their profession, not their partner. Mary Wollstonecraft’s work was received with a mixture of admiration and outrage—Walpole called her "a hyena in petticoats"—yet it established her as the mother of modern feminism.
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昨天晚上和成都的葉老師聊天,在散聊的過程中,我們似乎把話題無意推嚮瞭女權的淺薄層麵。 準確地說,是我自然而然再次思考到瞭那裏。 她說,女人都是情緒化的動物。又提到人性。 這幾個詞聯係起來是人類的一半曆史:“人性”、“女人”、“情緒”、“動物”。不過說句實話...
評分 評分 評分有其時代局限性,但其中提齣的最主要的問題,比如女性對(自身)美貌的追求,靠撒嬌賣癡、錶現兒童化而獲取男性關注與追求,主流社會對男女特質、品德的區彆要求和對待……等等,直到今天依舊是常態,或者說從男權社會崛起至今,男權(主流)社會本身對女性的要求從未有過本質...
評分我還是覺得瑪麗·沃斯通剋拉夫特在潛意識中有厭女之嫌。 她在序言中說自己不屑於推敲詞語,修飾文風,不會咬文嚼字。但事實上我感覺她擺脫不瞭這些。 《女權辯護》整篇都著眼在錶麵上的現實事例,未曾去溯源地使探究曆史——這類的文化習慣從何而來?如何形成?也未曾去分析保...
圖書標籤: 女性平等 女性 England Culture
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Penguin Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載