Science, Technology & Society in Seventeenth-Century England 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分记得以前看过一篇文章,里面写的是大文豪列夫·托尔斯泰的读书方式 ,每当他拿起一本文学书,总是先认真的看看书名,然后默默的想如果是自己拿到这个题目的话,该如何写作,假如该书的构架、内容之类的和自己的一样,那么他就不用再看这本书了,只有当这本书里面的内容和自...
评分摘要 在现代社会的语境中,科学与宗教往往被置于相互对立的两极,但事实果真如此吗?莫顿在其博士论文《十七世纪英格兰的科学、技术与社会》中基于历史材料对新教伦理与科学发展的关系作了深入的论述。本文拟选取该论文第四章《清教主义与文化价值》一节进行讨论,试图勾勒科学...
评分十七世纪英格兰的科学、技术与社会》 著者:[美] 罗伯特·金·默顿 译者:范岱年等 出版者:商务印书馆2002年4月第2版 美国科学史家罗伯特·金·默顿著。记得去年12月我在工人体育场冬季书市凛冽的寒风中看到这本书的时候,正对近代航海技术和军事技...
图书标签: 历史 科学史 十七世纪 世界史 socialist STS Robert_Merton
With a new introduction by the author (emeritus, sociology, Columbia U., New York City), as well as the prefaces from the first edition in 1938 and a 1970 reprint, this classic work established the field of the sociology of science. The focus of the study is the role of Puritanism in unintentionally providing social and cultural support for newly emerging science in 17th-century England at a time when religion and science were considered irreconcilable. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
The Merton Thesis: the role of Puritanism and the "foci of interest"in the making of science.For now, I have no interest in the first part, which resembles Weber's Protestant ethics in the making of capitalism. I am more interested in elaborating social and economic conditions affecting scientific activities.
评分The Merton Thesis: the role of Puritanism and the "foci of interest"in the making of science.For now, I have no interest in the first part, which resembles Weber's Protestant ethics in the making of capitalism. I am more interested in elaborating social and economic conditions affecting scientific activities.
评分The Merton Thesis: the role of Puritanism and the "foci of interest"in the making of science.For now, I have no interest in the first part, which resembles Weber's Protestant ethics in the making of capitalism. I am more interested in elaborating social and economic conditions affecting scientific activities.
评分The Merton Thesis: the role of Puritanism and the "foci of interest"in the making of science.For now, I have no interest in the first part, which resembles Weber's Protestant ethics in the making of capitalism. I am more interested in elaborating social and economic conditions affecting scientific activities.
评分The Merton Thesis: the role of Puritanism and the "foci of interest"in the making of science.For now, I have no interest in the first part, which resembles Weber's Protestant ethics in the making of capitalism. I am more interested in elaborating social and economic conditions affecting scientific activities.
Science, Technology & Society in Seventeenth-Century England 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书