Statistics for Social Data Analysis 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 统计 社会学 统计学 方法论 数学
The fourth edition of STATISTICS FOR SOCIAL DATA ANALYSIS continues to show students how to apply statistical methods to answer research questions in various fields. Throughout the text, the authors underscore the importance of formulating substantive hypotheses before attempting to analyze quantitative data. An important aspect of this text is its realistic, hands-on approach. Actual datasets are used in most examples, helping students understand and appreciate what goes into the research process. The book focuses on the continuous-discrete distinction in considering the level at which a variable is measured. Rather than dwelling on the four conventional levels-of-measurement distinctions, the authors discuss statistics for analyzing continuous and discrete variables separately and in combination.
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评分这本教材烂到什么境界呢,里面大部分内容我一年前就在心理学的Statistics plain and simple里学过,成绩不错。然后这本书依然能彻底把我搞糊涂了。全程“你他妈讲的到底是什么?!我一年前真的学过吗?!”导致我复习时除了术语的解释其他内容都宁愿去看回心理学统计的教材。如果有别的选择,千万不要买这本。/总算把统计课要学的内容啃完,哗擦这真是我用过最不合理的教材了。章节设置乱到让人想边摇作者边大喊“你为什么要这样做!!!”
Statistics for Social Data Analysis 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书