喬治·喬納斯(George Jonas,1935— ),齣生於匈牙利布達佩斯的一個猶太知識分子傢庭,1956年匈牙利革命期間移民加拿大。作為作傢和記者,他齣版過3部紀實類的全球暢銷書,並獲得過“愛倫·坡奬”的最佳罪案實錄奬和“加拿大作傢奬”,批評傢稱他為“加拿大最好的英語寫作者之一”和“加拿大最好的作傢之一”。
The gripping true story of the Israeli-led hunt for the men responsible for the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972, which has inspired Steven Spielberg's forthcoming film epic 'Munich'. 'Avner' was an agent of only twenty-six when he was summoned out of relative obscurity to head a specialist Israeli team crack team and track down the men responsible for the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes at the Munch Olympics in 1972. Vengeance is the awesome account of this operation: it retells how the team set about their task with ruthless application, stalking their Palestinian targets and carrying out precisely timed executions. But it also reveals the other side of the coin: the terrible paradox that results when those in power, in a desperate bid against terrorism, resort to the very tactics of their enemies.
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查閱瞭網上關於Vengeance這本書的分類,很少有明 確的“紀傳”或“紀實”的定義,同時也看到一些對於這本 書的真實性的質疑。對於從沒讀過紀傳體小說,也對 阿拉伯人和猶太人之間的恩怨一無所知的我,也沒有 什麼發言權。不管彆人信不信,反正我信瞭。隻有在 書中多次將恐怖分...
評分 評分#讀書#34《天譴行動:以色列針對“慕尼黑慘案”的復仇》:和預期很不一樣的一本書,本以為是講摩薩德如何堅定信念的復仇故事,或者是詹姆士邦德一樣的英雄事跡,結果卻是……(我這裏就不劇透瞭)。原來摩薩德不過如此,而以愛國之名行齷鹺之事,東方西方,古代現代的官僚都是...
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