In the final installment in the series, Francisco X. Alarcón shows children a city where people are bridges to each other and children sing poetry in two languages. A family frolic in the snow reminds the poet of the iguanas playing by his grandmother's house in Mexico. Readers are dazzled by the promise of the seedling redwoods — like all children — destined to be the ancestors of tomorrow. Maya Christina Gonzalez creates a spirited family of children and adults who swing their way through colorful pages. Collages of old maps of Mexico and California provide intriguing backgrounds, and fun-loving iguanas peek out from the most surprising places.
Iguanas in the Snow/Iguanas en la nieve 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Iguanas in the Snow/Iguanas en la nieve 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載