"Gripping... It's through books like this that those brave men, who fought so others could be free, live on." -- Dallas Morning News June 6, 1944: Nineteen boys from Bedford, Virginia--population just 3,000 in 1944--died in the first bloody minutes of D-Day. They were part of Company A of the 116th Regiment of the 29th Division, and the first wave of American soldiers to hit the beaches in Normandy. Later in the campaign, three more boys from this small Virginia town died of gunshot wounds. Twenty-two sons of Bedford lost--it is a story one cannot easily forget and one that the families of Bedford will never forget. The Bedford Boys is the true and intimate story of these men and the friends and families they left behind. Based on extensive interviews with survivors and relatives, as well as diaries and letters, Kershaw's book focuses on several remarkable individuals and families to tell one of the most poignant stories of World War II--the story of one small American town that went to war and died on Omaha Beach.
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圖書標籤: 曆史 軍事 二戰
評分29師116團1營A連是第一波攻擊奧馬哈灘頭的盟軍部隊. 來自弗吉尼亞國民警衛隊, A連有來自貝德福德小鎮的34名軍官和士兵. 19人死於D-Day, 3人死於隨後的諾曼底作戰. 這本書就是這些軍人和親屬的故事, 他們在和平和戰爭時期的生活, 以及諾曼底登陸對小鎮的影響.
評分29師116團1營A連是第一波攻擊奧馬哈灘頭的盟軍部隊. 來自弗吉尼亞國民警衛隊, A連有來自貝德福德小鎮的34名軍官和士兵. 19人死於D-Day, 3人死於隨後的諾曼底作戰. 這本書就是這些軍人和親屬的故事, 他們在和平和戰爭時期的生活, 以及諾曼底登陸對小鎮的影響.
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