安格斯·康斯塔姆(Angus Konstam)
羅傑 • 邁剋爾 • 基恩(Rogar Michael Kean)
記者、電影製片人和資深曆史類圖書編輯,編輯包括《海盜史》和《沉船史》。基恩同時也是一位作傢,寫作《羅馬皇帝和被遺忘的權力:拜占庭基督教堡壘》(The Complete Chronicle of the Emperors of Romeand Forgotten Power: Byzantium—Bulwark of Christianity)。他現居位於英國的勒德羅小鎮。
Pirates have captivated our imaginations for generations, and the popularity of the recent Pirates of the Caribbean films has planted them even more firmly in our minds. But what were pirates really like? Author Robert Ritchie guides us on a tour of piracy from ancient times through the present, and dispels the false image of pirates created by adventure stories and Hollywood. The truth is, unbelievably, even more intriguing than the fiction. Pirates were usually men (and sometimes women!) who turned to piracy in desperation—to avoid starvation or to save their own lives. They were from countries across the globe, from every social class, and of every race. Their average age was only twenty seven. In this lavishly illustrated book, you will see pirates’ brutal lives and bloody deaths, get a peek at their ships and the lives of their crews, and meet some of history’s most famous and infamous buccaneers. You’ll finally learn the truth about the way they lived and died. Full of color and history and danger, this book is as fun as a Johnny Depp movie—but it’s all true!
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海盜一直是一個神秘的名詞,人們既對他們心存畏懼,又對他們充滿好奇。 這本書,用許多地圖和插畫和細緻的文字描述,為我們揭開瞭海盜的神秘麵紗,為我們解開瞭許多對於海盜的好奇,讓我們知道海盜不像電影中描繪的那樣擁有寶藏可尋的主綫劇情,更多的是無可奈何,顛沛流離。而...
評分海盜一直是一個神秘的名詞,人們既對他們心存畏懼,又對他們充滿好奇。 這本書,用許多地圖和插畫和細緻的文字描述,為我們揭開瞭海盜的神秘麵紗,為我們解開瞭許多對於海盜的好奇,讓我們知道海盜不像電影中描繪的那樣擁有寶藏可尋的主綫劇情,更多的是無可奈何,顛沛流離。而...
評分海盜一直是一個神秘的名詞,人們既對他們心存畏懼,又對他們充滿好奇。 這本書,用許多地圖和插畫和細緻的文字描述,為我們揭開瞭海盜的神秘麵紗,為我們解開瞭許多對於海盜的好奇,讓我們知道海盜不像電影中描繪的那樣擁有寶藏可尋的主綫劇情,更多的是無可奈何,顛沛流離。而...
評分最後一頁上,Howard Pyle 的 So the Treasure Was Divided,被寫成 How the treasure was divide,關鍵是,畫麵還被鏡像瞭。 這麼低級的錯誤。前麵幾百頁還可信嗎? [https://artsandculture.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/asset/so-the-treasure-was-divided/4QEtufit296...
評分海盜一直是一個神秘的名詞,人們既對他們心存畏懼,又對他們充滿好奇。 這本書,用許多地圖和插畫和細緻的文字描述,為我們揭開瞭海盜的神秘麵紗,為我們解開瞭許多對於海盜的好奇,讓我們知道海盜不像電影中描繪的那樣擁有寶藏可尋的主綫劇情,更多的是無可奈何,顛沛流離。而...
圖書標籤: 海洋史
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