Sun Tzu , also called Sun Wu , is traditionally considered to be the author of The Art of War (also simply called the Sun Tzu), an immensely influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy. The work is considered to be a prime example of Taoist strategy. Whether or not he is an authentic historical figure is vigorously debated by historians. Traditional accounts place him in the Spring and Autumn Period of China (722–481 BC) as a heroic general of the King of Wu that lived c. 544—496 BC. Scholars accepting his historicity place his writing of the Art of War in the Warring States Period (403–221 BC), based on the descriptions of warfare in the text. Traditional accounts state that his descendant, Sun Bin, also wrote a master treatise on military tactics.
Sun Tzu, both as an author of the Art of War and a legendary figure, had an immense impact on Chinese and Asian history and culture. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Art of War gained popularity and saw practical use in Western society. He remains highly influential in both Asian and Western culture and politics.
Widely regarded as "The Oldest Military Treatise in the World," this landmark work covers principles of strategy, tactics, maneuvering, communication, and supplies; the use of terrain, fire, and the seasons of the year; the classification and utilization of spies; the treatment of soldiers, including captives, all have a modern ring to them.
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近段時間略有閑暇,認真研讀瞭一次此書,以下是讀書筆記,多為個人的一些零散思考,年青閱淺,如有不當,敬請辯駁。 一、“兵者,詭道也。” 詭道,感覺好神秘莫測,讀到這個詞,讓我第一想到的就是“陰謀詭計”,不禁一顫。 俗話說:“兵不厭詐”,李零先生編的《孫子兵法...
評分《孫子兵法》是本好書,很可惜本人文言文知識薄弱,不能盡會其意(文言文每個字的信息量普遍要比白話文大得多)。但每隔一兩年讀它都有新的體悟。本文試圖將《孫子兵法》中的思想抽象剝離,讓它們能運用在日常生活中。 《孫子兵法》充滿瞭想象力,顛覆瞭思維定勢。以迂為直,後...
評分最近剛研讀孫子兵法,略有感發,孫子兵法講的帶兵打仗,知己知彼,知天知地,知勝知敗,知利知變,勝敵益強,本質上是講管戰略,管理,博弈。當然,學以緻用,纔是目的;靈活變通,方為真知。 在競爭環境中,兵法是十分有用的。但必須知道,在現實工作生活中,除瞭競爭奪利,還...
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