Virtually unknown in the English-speaking world, the Battle of Cherkassy (also known as the Korsun Pocket) still stirs controversy in both the former Soviet Union and in Germany. It was at Cherkassy that the last German offensive strength in the Ukraine was drained away, creating the conditions for the victorious Soviet advance into Poland, Rumania, and the Balkans during the summer and autumn of 1944. Eclipsed by a war of such gigantic proportions that saw the deaths of over one million men or more as commonplace, the events which occurred along the banks of the Gniloy Tickich river should have faded into obscurity. However, to the 60,000 German soldiers who were encircled there at the end of January 1944, this was perhaps one of the most brutal, physically exhausting, and morally demanding battles they had ever experienced. Thirty-four percent of them would not escape. The culmination of years of research and survivor interviews, Hell's Gate is a riveting hour by hour and day by day account of this desperate struggle analyzed on a tactical level through maps and military transcripts, as well as on a personal level, through the words of the enlisted men and officers who risked the roaring waters of the Gniloy Tickich to avoid certain death at the hands of their Soviet foe.
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這本書恐怕是國內中文版書籍中關於切爾卡瑟戰役最為詳盡的一本, 作者的寫作脈絡比較清晰,對於戰役全過程有著細膩的描寫,而且還穿插一些當事人的迴憶,讓我們可以近距離觸摸這場發生在60多年前的戰爭 翻譯小小兵人的翻譯工作不用說什麼,比很多粗製濫造的書好很多,而且還訂...
評分要是他能有俾斯麥一半的政治手腕,最起碼保證英國和蘇聯不結盟,美國不和德國宣戰。 在把東綫的指揮權交給曼施坦因等人。蘇聯就危險瞭. 在和蘇聯的作戰中,德軍占盡瞭技戰術優勢仍然沒法取勝,原因值得深思。 數量戰勝瞭質量!
評分要是他能有俾斯麥一半的政治手腕,最起碼保證英國和蘇聯不結盟,美國不和德國宣戰。 在把東綫的指揮權交給曼施坦因等人。蘇聯就危險瞭. 在和蘇聯的作戰中,德軍占盡瞭技戰術優勢仍然沒法取勝,原因值得深思。 數量戰勝瞭質量!
評分這本書恐怕是國內中文版書籍中關於切爾卡瑟戰役最為詳盡的一本, 作者的寫作脈絡比較清晰,對於戰役全過程有著細膩的描寫,而且還穿插一些當事人的迴憶,讓我們可以近距離觸摸這場發生在60多年前的戰爭 翻譯小小兵人的翻譯工作不用說什麼,比很多粗製濫造的書好很多,而且還訂...
評分要是他能有俾斯麥一半的政治手腕,最起碼保證英國和蘇聯不結盟,美國不和德國宣戰。 在把東綫的指揮權交給曼施坦因等人。蘇聯就危險瞭. 在和蘇聯的作戰中,德軍占盡瞭技戰術優勢仍然沒法取勝,原因值得深思。 數量戰勝瞭質量!
圖書標籤: 戰爭史 軍事史
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