布蘭登·桑德森(Brandon Sanderson):
1975年12月19日生於美國內布拉斯加州(Nebraska)首府林肯(Lincoln),現居猶他州的歐瑞市(Orem),任教於楊百翰大學(Brigham Young University)。
作者的首部小說《伊嵐翠》,2005年甫一齣版即獲得《浪漫時代》(Romantic Times)奇幻史詩大奬,作者也連續2006、2007年兩年入選美國科奇幻界地位最高的新人奬項——約翰·坎伯新人奬,《伊嵐翠》更被邦諾書店(Barnes & Noble)列為頭號選書。
The impossible has been accomplished. The Lord Ruler - the man who claimed to be god incarnate and brutally ruled the world for a thousand years - has been vanquished. But Kelsier, the hero who masterminded that triumph, is dead too, and now the awesome task of building a new world has been left to his young prot g, Vin, the former street urchin who is now the most powerful Mistborn in the land, and to the idealistic young nobleman she loves. As Kelsier's prot g and slayer of the Lord Ruler she is now venerated by a budding new religion, a distinction that makes her intensely uncomfortable. Even more worrying, the mists have begun behaving strangely since the Lord Ruler died, and seem to harbor a strange vaporous entity that haunts her.
Stopping assassins may keep Vin's Mistborn skills sharp, but it's the least of her problems. Luthadel, the largest city of the former empire, doesn't run itself, and Vin and the other members of Kelsier's crew, who lead the revolution, must learn a whole new set of practical and political skills to help. It certainly won't get easier with three armies - one of them composed of ferocious giants - now vying to conquer the city, and no sign of the Lord Ruler's hidden cache of atium, the rarest and most powerful allomantic metal. As the siege of Luthadel tightens, an ancient legend seems to offer a glimmer of hope. But even if it really exists, no one knows where to find the Well of Ascension or what manner of power it bestows.
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直麵大帝,幸存者不存;慘烈一役,迷霧之女重裝上陣!隨著最後帝國的最後崩潰,第一部做完瞭交代,失去瞭幸存者的迷霧之子會走嚮何方? 第一部的主綫是一個正義團隊抗擊禦主大帝,第二部的主綫是一個迷霧之子抗擊幾個邪惡團隊,主綫雖變,信任的主題卻一直貫穿不變,第三部最...
評分直麵大帝,幸存者不存;慘烈一役,迷霧之女重裝上陣!隨著最後帝國的最後崩潰,第一部做完瞭交代,失去瞭幸存者的迷霧之子會走嚮何方? 第一部的主綫是一個正義團隊抗擊禦主大帝,第二部的主綫是一個迷霧之子抗擊幾個邪惡團隊,主綫雖變,信任的主題卻一直貫穿不變,第三部最...
圖書標籤: 奇幻 英文原版 Mistborn 小說 布蘭登·桑德森 BrandonSanderson 魔幻 虛構類-小說-奇幻-史詩奇幻
評分不齣意外 平淡而又承上啓下的第二捲 埋瞭兩捲的大伏綫也算是揭開來瞭2015.04.01——2015.06.06
評分我看奇幻從來不指望其中的戀愛情結。這本裏的卻齣乎意料的好看。而且,英雄的角色是女主,對於嚮來都是男人天下的epic fantasy,算是讓人耳目一新。
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