Robin Hobb was born in California in 1952 and majored in Communications at Denver University, Colorado. Assassin's Apprentice was her first novel, and was followed by the equally successful Royal Assassin and Assassin's Quest. She lives outside Seattle, Washington. Her website is:
Ship of Magic (The Liveship Traders, Book 1) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
三册同贴一篇书评太怪了,而且有很多值得深入讨论的地方,又不需要顾虑政治正确性。想吐槽就吐槽想鞭挞就鞭挞想走题就走题的感觉不要太好。哼哼! 硬科幻和软科幻的区别大约相当于《上锁的房间》和《模仿犯》,而奇幻么,内核的话,和社会派还相近些(所以阿姑才能一手写推理...
评分重点说书本身吧,这个定价和排版都挺良心。 换做某奇幻大社 肯定上中下咣咣咣1000多页的出版,一年挤出来一本。 但是,这个编辑和校对实在无法忍啊。 这书的译者和台版的译者是同一个人,相对于原创翻译,对于编辑和校对,工作应该少了很多,就不能用心把“繁体”转换“简体”...
评分其实在看《魔法活船》之前,我很少有时间能看看这一类正宗的奇幻文学。大部分也就是读一读大家推荐的小说而已。但《魔法活船》确实让我感受到了奇幻带来的巨大魅力。 罗宾·霍布无与伦比的想象力,充满刺激、惊险的航海历程,充满感性与冲动的细节描写,都在告诉我:这是一本...
评分“……人要求生存,就得改变。你们得先想好,对你们而言哪些习俗最为重要,然后就把那些习俗保留下来。还有,只要是观念与你们一致的,你们就必须与之结盟,但不能对新盟友疑神疑鬼的。最重的就是,凡是不属于你们的东西,你们就得割舍……” 这段话出自《魔法活船》漫长的文...
图书标签: 罗苹·荷布
Gripping first instalment of a new series from the author of The Farseer Trilogy. Wizardwood -- a sentient wood. The most precious commodity in the world. Like many other legendary wares, it comes only from the Rain River Wilds. But how can one trade with the Rain River Traders when only a liveship, fashioned from wizardwood, can negotiate the perilous waters of the Rain River? A liveship is a difficult ship to come by. Rare and valuable, it will quicken only when three family members, from succesive generations, have died on board. The liveship Vivacia is about to undergo her quickening, as Althea Vestrit's father is carried to her deck in his death-throes. Althea waits with awe and anticipation for the ship that she loves more than anything in the world to awaken. Only to find that her family has other plans for her...And dark, charming Kennit, aspiring pirate king, also lusts after such a ship: he well knows the power of wizardwood, and has plans of his own...
Ship of Magic (The Liveship Traders, Book 1) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书