“I finally understand what the poets have written. In spring, moved to passion; in autumn only regret.”
For young Peony, betrothed to a suitor she has never met, these lyrics from The Peony Pavilion mirror her own longings. In the garden of the Chen Family Villa, amid the scent of ginger, green tea, and jasmine, a small theatrical troupe is performing scenes from this epic opera, a live spectacle few females have ever seen. Like the heroine in the drama, Peony is the cloistered daughter of a wealthy family, trapped like a good-luck cricket in a bamboo-and-lacquer cage. Though raised to be obedient, Peony has dreams of her own.
Peony’s mother is against her daughter’s attending the production: “Unmarried girls should not be seen in public.” But Peony’s father assures his wife that proprieties will be maintained, and that the women will watch the opera from behind a screen. Yet through its cracks, Peony catches sight of an elegant, handsome man with hair as black as a cave–and is immediately overcome with emotion.
So begins Peony’s unforgettable journey of love and destiny, desire and sorrow–as Lisa See’s haunting new novel, based on actual historical events, takes readers back to seventeenth-century China, after the Manchus seize power and the Ming dynasty is crushed.
Steeped in traditions and ritual, this story brings to life another time and place–even the intricate realm of the afterworld, with its protocols, pathways, and stages of existence, a vividly imagined place where one’s soul is divided into three, ancestors offer guidance, misdeeds are punished, and hungry ghosts wander the earth. Immersed in the richness and magic of the Chinese vision of the afterlife, transcending even death, Peony in Love explores, beautifully, the many manifestations of love. Ultimately, Lisa See’s new novel addresses universal themes: the bonds of friendship, the power of words, and the age-old desire of women to be heard.
From the Hardcover edition.
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《吳吳山三婦閤評牡丹亭》是清初很不錯的一個評本。這個故事和三婦閤評本非常契閤。 是西方世界理解的古中國,主題是女性主義。文字較平,正如書上扉頁評論所言,適閤旅行的時候翻。
評分鄺麗莎齣生於巴黎,卻在洛杉磯長大,擁有1/8的中國血統,高祖父是清末赴美修築鐵路的勞工。自小就對自己傢族曆史很感興趣的麗莎,於1995年起齣版瞭多部中國題材的小說和紀實類作品。譬如她的處女作《在金山上》就記錄瞭自己中美融閤的傢族曆經滄桑的百年曆程,因此雖然她隻有 ...
評分鄺麗莎有中國血統,她又喜歡研究中國,小說大多以中國故事為主,取材《牡丹亭》不足為奇。中華文化博大精深。 大傢不妨關注一下此書作者鄺麗莎的一部新作,《上海女孩》。講述一對上海姐妹的故事。原本傢境富裕的珍珠和梅,在父親破産後,為瞭還債,被嫁給一對美國兄弟。日軍...
評分 評分《吳吳山三婦閤評牡丹亭》是清初很不錯的一個評本。這個故事和三婦閤評本非常契閤。 是西方世界理解的古中國,主題是女性主義。文字較平,正如書上扉頁評論所言,適閤旅行的時候翻。
圖書標籤: 美國 小說 LisaSee 英文原版 小說 美國人看中國 植 女性
怎麼看都看不完。。。作者用很多篇幅介紹百度百科裏的中國傳統文化。。。“我爸爸是理的代錶 我媽媽是情的體現” “媽媽吻瞭我的額頭” 這實在是太齣戲瞭
評分美國人寫的中國故事 艱澀難懂
評分美國人寫的中國故事 艱澀難懂
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