巴巴拉·W·塔奇曼(Barbara W. Tuchman,1912—1989),美國著名曆史學傢、作傢,1963年和1972年憑《八月炮火》與《史迪威與美國在中國的經驗,1911—1945》兩度獲得普利策奬。她偏愛以文學的方式書寫曆史,她的文字充滿戲劇性和畫麵感,在充分發掘史料的前提下伴隨著意味深長的議論和反思。其作品深受大眾讀者和費正清等曆史學傢的推崇。
Chocolate chippers, lemon bars, madeleines, brownies, shortbread, thumbprints, rugelach, biscotti, mandelbrot, and fortune cookies we all love them. We love them even better when they are home-baked. The ultimate comfort food, fresh-baked cookies offer instant reassurance, consolation, and community.
One of the reasons we hesitate to bake cookies is that all too frequently we discover that we don¹t have all the ingredients we need (or we don¹t have enough time to bake them from scratch). Cookie Dough Delights conveniently solves both problems. Its easy recipes will tempt everyone back to the oven with an assortment of delectable home-baked cookies (and a smattering of other mouth-watering desserts), all of which begin with an 18-ounce roll of refrigerated cookie dough from the supermarket dairy case.
With little more than a few easy, simple steps, the ordinary can be transformed into the extraordinary. Using refrigerated cookie dough is not about abandoning traditional cookie and dessert recipes; it is a celebration of the options available to bakers today. The ease of working with refrigerated cookie dough also helps bakers of all abilities to focus on the aesthetics of cookies and desserts including fancy decorations and icings if they so choose. Recipes include drop cookies, formed and fancy-shaped cookies, bar cookies, filled cookies, special treats, icings, frostings, fillings, and other extras.
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文/吳情 革命史是現代曆史的重要組成部分。很多情況下,我們如何理解革命,甚至會影響我們如何理解我們周遭的現實社會(尤其是它的曆史淵源和後續)。在世界曆史研究領域,法國革命、美國革命、俄國革命,堪稱人類曆史進程的三大革命。可對它們的評價,史學界意見不一...
評分《第一聲禮炮》:追尋看似微不足道的本質原因 曆史有無數的解讀方式,有的從內部去窺探,有的從外部去觸摸,有的用數字統計去解讀,有的用放大細部來解密,正是因為解讀方法的無數,相同的曆史結果,總會有無數的前因,看似篤定唯一的曆史之所以還會引發無數的爭論,正是因為...
評分雲也退/文 喬治·華盛頓沒有子嗣。“美利堅國父”本人花瞭很多年時間纔接受瞭這一事實。不過,結婚四十年,華盛頓在弗農山上自己的傢裏從來不缺少孩子的噪音。他的太太瑪莎是二婚嫁給瞭他,結婚時帶來瞭一婚生的一子一女,很不幸,女孩17歲突發急病而死;男孩則因感染瘟疫死在...
評分我之前讀過作者的普利策奬的獲奬曆史作品-《史迪威與美國在華經驗》,還是挺有意思的,雖然從中國的角度來看,她的一些觀點是有失偏頗的。但總體來看還是值得一讀的。 總的來說,這本書涵蓋的時間是從1776年到1781年,包含瞭荷屬要塞聖尤斯特歇斯嚮美國戰船安德魯·多利亞號...
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