布兰登·桑德森,美国奇幻作家,其续写的罗伯特·乔丹的《时光之轮》系列,打败丹·布朗的新书《失落的密符》,空降《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜并成为头号畅销书。其处女作《诸神之城:伊岚翠》出版当年便获得Romantic Times奇幻史诗大奖,并连续入选2006、2007年美国科幻/奇幻界地位最高的新人奖项。布兰登才思敏捷,风格多样,
迷雾之子·外传3 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
I mean I liked this one well enough. I did find the first half to be quite slowish but it picked up its pace in the second half. Noted, it’s also a fair bit longer than the previous two books in the series so there’s that. I’m glad we finally got to s...
评分I mean I liked this one well enough. I did find the first half to be quite slowish but it picked up its pace in the second half. Noted, it’s also a fair bit longer than the previous two books in the series so there’s that. I’m glad we finally got to s...
评分I mean I liked this one well enough. I did find the first half to be quite slowish but it picked up its pace in the second half. Noted, it’s also a fair bit longer than the previous two books in the series so there’s that. I’m glad we finally got to s...
评分I mean I liked this one well enough. I did find the first half to be quite slowish but it picked up its pace in the second half. Noted, it’s also a fair bit longer than the previous two books in the series so there’s that. I’m glad we finally got to s...
评分I mean I liked this one well enough. I did find the first half to be quite slowish but it picked up its pace in the second half. Noted, it’s also a fair bit longer than the previous two books in the series so there’s that. I’m glad we finally got to s...
图书标签: 布兰登·桑德森 奇幻 美国 独角兽书系 迷雾之子三部曲 迷雾之子 欧美奇幻 西方奇幻
评分其实应该是三星半。 没有读迷雾之子时那么迫不及待了。
迷雾之子·外传3 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书