A mysterious stranger appears at a New Year's Eve party, becoming the enigmatic sleuthing sidekick to the snobbish Mr Satterthwaite...So far, it had been a typical New Year's Eve house party. But Mr Satterthwaite -- a keen observer of human nature -- sensed that the real drama of the evening was yet to unfold. So it proved when a mysterious stranger arrived after midnight. Who was this Mr Quin? And why did his presence have such a pronounced effect on Eleanor Portal, the woman with the dyed-black hair?
The Mysterious Mr.Quin 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
順著看小說集的話,可能它在比較後的位置。但是因為在前幾部裏,我實在很好奇薩特斯威特和奎恩先生,就提早拿齣來瞭。 柯南齣現的地方十之八九會有血案,而奎恩先生齣現的地方,都有一樁陳年往事真相大白。 看著看著,我會感到,阿加莎寫人物真的很專一。像波洛,典型特徵就是...
評分 評分薩特思 韋特先生是位不一般的偵探小說主人公——盡管這本書叫《神秘的奎恩先生》,然而被推到幕前的終究是薩特思韋特老先生。 這位先生,要我說,有點老派的傷感的味道。按阿婆的說法,他“是個有點駝背的乾癟老頭”,當然比不上橢圓形的波洛有喜劇感。這是一個一...
評分薩特思 韋特先生是位不一般的偵探小說主人公——盡管這本書叫《神秘的奎恩先生》,然而被推到幕前的終究是薩特思韋特老先生。 這位先生,要我說,有點老派的傷感的味道。按阿婆的說法,他“是個有點駝背的乾癟老頭”,當然比不上橢圓形的波洛有喜劇感。這是一個一...
評分圖書標籤: AgathaChristie 英文 推理 懸疑 偵探 阿加莎補完計劃 英文文學 英國
I don't know if Mr.Quin really exited in the book, the ending left us an unsolved puzzle. But i do like Mr.s... As for the plot and the trick,some are great and the other just follow the suit, not that creative.
評分The last story renders me speechless, a sad one, of course, with a woman so proud, and most of all, a man so stupid, loved by the former. Doomed to be tragedy, no other way out. Sigh.
評分The last story renders me speechless, a sad one, of course, with a woman so proud, and most of all, a man so stupid, loved by the former. Doomed to be tragedy, no other way out. Sigh.
評分Mr Right has come along.
評分I don't know if Mr.Quin really exited in the book, the ending left us an unsolved puzzle. But i do like Mr.s... As for the plot and the trick,some are great and the other just follow the suit, not that creative.
The Mysterious Mr.Quin 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載