Lauren Templeton
Lauren C. Templeton is the sole owner of Lauren Templeton Capital Management, LLC. She is the founder and Chairman of the Southeastern Hedge Fund Association, Inc.
Scott Phillips
Scott Phillips is the lead analyst and portfolio manager of the Lauren Templeton Global Maximum Pessimism Fund.
“To buy when others are despondently selling and to sell when others are avidly buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest ultimate rewards.”-Sir John Templeton
Called the “greatest stock picker of the century” by Money magazine, legendary fund manager Sir John Templeton is revered as one of the world's premiere value investors, widely known for pioneering global investing and out-performing the stock market over a five-decade span. Investing the Templeton Way provides a never-before-seen glimpse into Sir John's timeless principles and methods.
Beginning with a review of the methods behind Sir John's proven investment selection process, Investing the Templeton Way provides historical examples of his most successful trades and explains how today's investors can apply Sir John's winning approaches to their own portfolios. Detailing his most well-known principle investing at the point of maximum pessimism- this book outlines the techniques Sir John has used throughout his career to identify such points and capitalize on them.
Among the lessons to be learned:
Discover how to keep a cool head when other investors overreact to bad news
Become a bargain stock hunter like Sir John-buy the stocks emotional sellers wish to unload and sell them what they are desperate to buy
Search worldwide to expand your bargain inventory
Protect your portfolio from yourself through diversification
Rely on quantitative versus qualitative reasoning when it comes to selecting stocks
Adopt a virtuous investment strategy that will endure in all market conditions
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評分 評分極度悲觀的時刻買入,或者稱之為“極度悲觀原則” It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" (感謝全球金融危機,使我有機會買入偉大的公司,招行/茅颱/張裕/蘇寜) 在買賣中堅持一個原則:每樣東西都要用現金購買,這樣一來,他們纔會“永遠是利息的收受者而不...
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評分極度悲觀的時刻買入,或者稱之為“極度悲觀原則” It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" (感謝全球金融危機,使我有機會買入偉大的公司,招行/茅颱/張裕/蘇寜) 在買賣中堅持一個原則:每樣東西都要用現金購買,這樣一來,他們纔會“永遠是利息的收受者而不...
圖書標籤: 投資 鄧普頓 價值投資 Investment 投資大師 香港中央圖書館 西貢 荔枝角
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