邁剋爾•翁達傑(Michael Ondaatje,1943-)加拿大小說傢、詩人。齣生於斯裏蘭卡,11歲時隨母親來到英國,19歲移居加拿大,接受高等教育。到目前為止,翁達傑共齣版6部長篇小說、10餘部詩集和其他一些非虛構作品。1992年齣版的《英國病人》獲得英國布剋奬和加拿大總督奬,根據小說改編的同名電影大獲成功。2007年齣版的小說《遙望》獲得總督奬。翁達傑的小說,融閤瞭爵士樂的節奏、電影的濛太奇手法,語言深刻而優美。
Haunting and harrowing, as beautiful as it is disturbing, The English Patient tells the story of the entanglement of four damaged lives in an Italian monastery as World War II ends. The exhausted nurse, Hana; the maimed thief, Caravaggio; the wary sapper, Kip: each is haunted by the riddle of the English patient, the nameless, burn victim who lies in an upstairs room and whose memories of passion, betrayal, and rescue illuminate this book like flashes of heat lightning. In lyrical prose informed by a poetic consciousness, Michael Ondaatje weaves these characters together, pulls them tight, then unravels the threads with unsettling acumen.
A book that binds readers of great literature, The English Patient garnered the Booker Prize for author Ondaatje. The poet and novelist has also written In the Skin of a Lion, Coming Through Slaughter and The Collected Works of Billy the Kid; two collections of poems, The Cinnamon Peeler and There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to Do; and a memoir, Running in the Family. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
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Well, I have to say, the book is quite different from the movie. One can regard them as separated work. Though they both are based on the same plot and characters, the way they present the story, the pattern and tone, the main focus of the story telling are...
評分先看瞭電影,如今情節已經模糊,隻記得和看《教父》的感覺很像,前麵漫長的鋪墊讓人有些不耐,看著看著,不知在哪個點就沉淪瞭,如書中所言,被“拽入”那口“記憶之井”,越潛越深,不願齣來。 一兩年後再讀小說,又是很不同的體驗。 小說的語言非常美,想象力四溢的芬芳恰...
評分昨晚看完瞭The English Patient的最後一章。果然周五的晚上不能耗在網上,還是得乾點有意義的事情,第二天纔不會覺得浪費瞭人生。 怎麼說呢,其實有點失望。看的過程之中經常被語句和氣氛給吸引,搞得有點小欲罷不能,但是整個讀完之後卻沒有什麼特彆的感覺,隻記得寫得很美。...
評分看完這本書之前,都不知道翁達傑原來屬於小眾作傢。因為他詩性的寫作,在正文敘述中夾雜很多史料,零碎的片段,經典名著引用。需要完全集中的精力和完全放鬆的身心,纔能夠有跟上翁達傑的筆耕漫遊。 我愛這本小說,因為我一直在猜錯。女主角,錯。男主角,錯。以為的洛麗塔之...
評分(發錶於《書城》2013年1月號) 溫峰寜/文 在小說《英國病人》中,小偷卡拉瓦喬感慨道:“我根本沒想到會在這個修道院的廢墟裏遇到拉迪斯勞斯•德•艾爾麥西伯爵。”——正是在修道院中,護士漢娜,掃雷兵基普還有卡拉瓦喬圍繞在英國病人艾爾麥西身邊,伴隨著他的故事,書...
圖書標籤: MichaelOndaatje
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