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The Consciousness Revolution 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Consciousness Revolution


The Consciousness Revolution 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介

Ervin Laszlo is currently President of the Club of Budapest, Science Director for the University for Peace in Berlin and adviser to the Director General of UNESCO. He has written numerous papers and articles as well as over 50 books including The Whispering Pond. He resides in Italy.

Stanislave Grof heads the Grof Transpersonal Training Program and teaches at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Described by Charles Tart as "the world's leading authority on the deep exploration of the mind and the soul," his books include The Holotropic Mind (with Hal Zina Bennett) and The Cosmic Game. He lives in Northern California.

Peter Russell was voted "Eco-Philosopher Extraordinaire" by the American environmental magazine Buzzworm. He earned degrees in theoretical physics, psychology, and computer science at the University of Cambridge, England. He is the author of ten books, including The Upanishads, From Science to God: A Physicist's Journey into the Mystery of Consciousness, and The TM Technique. His home is in Northern California.

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出版者:Elf Rock
作者:Ervin Laszlo
页数:180 pages
出版时间:2nd Ed edition (December 2003)

图书标签: consiousness&awareness   

The Consciousness Revolution 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述

In The Consciousness Revolution, three pioneers at the cutting-edge of Western thought reflect on the chances of peace in the world, on how society is changing, and on the changes we can make in ourselves. They consider the roles of art, science, education, goals and values, world views, religion, spirituality and, above all, consciousness - for the state of our consciousness is the key issue underlying almost everything else.

As Ken Wilber asks in his Foreword, what does it all finally come down to? Peter Russell puts it like this: 'Each little bit counts we are all part of the same ground-swell. The most important question we need to ask is how can I put my own life in greater alignment with that ground-swell? How can I do my little one-hundred-thousandth worth to facilitate that shift a bit further?'

These intense and memorable discussions among three of the finest minds of our time convey a sense of excitement and passion which we can carry forward in our own lives. The Consciousness Revolution is an essential guide to how our map of reality is changing in the midst of the global transformation going on in all parts of the world and in every sphere of life, in us and around u

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