Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is the timeless children's story written by Lewis Carroll. Join Alice on her strange and wonderful adventures into the world of the Queen of Hearts, the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit, and the Hatter. This reproduction includes forty-two illustrations after John Tenniel. Charles Dodgson first told the story to Alice Liddell, age ten, and her two sisters on a picnic trip in 1862. She asked him to write it down for her and although it took him two and a half years, he gave her the finished story in 1864. Dodgson published the book a year later in 1865 under the pen name Lewis Carroll.
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評分在夢境的世界裏,一切都皆有可能。你可以看到許多稀奇古怪的動物,也可以碰到許多稀奇古怪的人物,他們都有些稀奇古怪的脾氣,說著一些稀奇古怪的話。 愛麗絲與姐姐在河邊玩耍,看到一隻大白兔,跟著他走到瞭樹邊的兔子洞,與大白兔一起掉進瞭洞裏,一切的冒險從這裏開始…… ...
評分《Alice′s Adventuree in Wonderland 》 “如果你遇到一個有纔華的人,應當問他讀的是什麼書。”美國作傢愛默生這句話深得我心。如果你現在問我讀什麼書,我依然會說Alice,這是一本快樂的童話。我想能夠寫童話的人,首先在生活裏都是相當憂鬱的。《Alice′s Adventuree in W...
評分 評分有時,我覺的春天的陽光煥發人對生命天然高貴的尊重。夢境中人可以無比地清醒,讓日光下的美好在精神的視網膜上留下最珍貴的奇幻美好的衝擊。 在這兩部奇遇記中,所有日光下最珍貴的都集閤在瞭一起。 什麼是真?愛麗絲因為好奇,在掉進井裏經過一個架子時,拿起瞭一隻罐頭瓶,...
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