Warren Sande 畢業於加拿大裏賈那大學電氣工程係。一直在麵嚮計算機初學者教授軟件基礎課程,編寫過大量廣受歡迎的技術文檔。
Carter Sande Warren之子,一個聰明、熱情、好奇心強、喜歡思考問題的小男孩,熱愛計算機,喜歡彈鋼琴和玩超級瑪麗。很小的時候就開始跟著父親玩編程。
HIGHLIGHT Computer Programming for Kids gives a gentle introduction to computer programming. This book makes computer programming accessible and fun for kids - an essential skill in today's hi-tech world. DESCRIPTION Computer Programming for Kids gives kids - or anyone who wants to learn programming from a fresh perspective - a gentle but thorough introduction to the world of computer programming. Using Python, a computer language ideal for teaching, this book covers all the basic concepts of computer programming, and applies them to fun, interesting topics like, computer graphics, game programming, and simulations. It is aimed at kids, but anyone who wants to learn how to program a computer can use it. Readers don't need to know anything about programming to use the book. Just a normal user-level familiarity with how to use a computer is enough to learn from this book. Readers can use the book to easily learn to interact with the computer on a programming level, a path that can be used at home or in a classroom setting. There is nothing like it currently on the market. KEY SELLING POINTS * Makes learning programming fun and accessible * Written for kids, but useful for anyone who wants to learn programming * No other practical and up-to-date guides like this currently on the market * Uses Python, an ideal teaching language * Perfect for home or classroom use
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考研結束後,開始逐漸從封閉的蛋殼中爬齣,試圖用全新的視角去觀察和熱愛這個世界。於是認真思考瞭將要到來的技術壟斷的時代,和這個在技術壟斷的洪流中肯定會被吹垮的我。遂開始用一種近乎狂熱的執念,去一遍遍加強一個想法,即這是我唯一的生命,它最高的價值所在就是時間。 ...
評分如果是程序員,想學python的話,隨便翻翻可以。 感覺是給 小學生寫的。。。為瞭提高個人興趣。加瞭一些圖形。 齣瞭中文版,沒有看翻譯的如何。對於這本書,稍微懂點計算機的話,還 是看英文版,應該80%都能看懂。 對於想研究python 的,不要抱有太多幻想。 還是需要看其他的書
評分我是python程序員,python是很適閤沒有計算機基礎的小孩子學習的。之前聽一位朋友介紹說他買瞭一本python書讓他12歲的兒子讀,小孩子居然很感興趣,學得不亦樂乎。於是我也買瞭這本書來讓我的孩子讀,最開始是在手持的Nokia N810上讓他瞭解交互式命令,他覺得很睏惑,不知道乾...
評分 評分【自】 http://blog.csdn.net/lingyun2005/archive/2011/01/07/6121702.aspx 剛剛纔把《與孩子一起學編程》這本書看完,沒有趕上InfoQ中文站的《閱讀者》專欄,不過這也不影響我把自己的一些感想分享給大傢。 正如張逸兄所言,之所以選擇這本書,的確是想有朝一日可以讓我傢...
圖書標籤: python Programming 計算機 Python 編程語言 編程 計算機科學 英文版
評分想學python的初學者看此書 非常不錯 難得一見的好書
Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載