伊麗莎白·吉爾伯特(Elizabeth Gilbert)小說傢、新聞記者、兩度獲得National Magazine Award 深度報導奬,作品The Last American Man 入選美國國傢圖書奬決賽名單及2002年紐約時代年代好書,故事集Pilgrims獲得Paris Review 最佳新人小說等奬項。曾為知名雜誌GQ、Bazaar、The New York Magazine撰稿。
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補充一下本書作者在TED的演講,這個演講在TED近韆個演講中排名前三(基於觀眾“Favorite”投票),尤其後半部分講得極好,Elizabeth是很有慧根的那種人,這在她的文字和演講裏多有體現,下麵是上周剛翻好的中文字幕版本: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/chi_hans/elizabeth_gilb...
評分The first time I read this book dates back to 2012, when I was still in the United States, I borrowed it from the library but it was a busy time so I only finished about one-third of the book and returned it. However, it is so amazing and interesting that I...
評分對於價值觀混亂無比的我來說,要用一個固定的標準來評價一些東西是一件十分睏難的事情,所以我習慣瞭在評價物品時找一些參照物。 例如:當我在享受假期旅行時,會覺得一本差不多30塊的書隻不過是一天的小費而已;而當我開始迷戀芝士蛋糕時,這本書可就相當於我2塊芝士蛋糕;很...
評分The book’s Chinese edition--一輩子做女孩 did not grab my interest when I heard it for the first time. Because I guess it might be the kind of book which try it’s best to convince a girl of some so called principles to behave more like a girl. Much to my s...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 pray love 美國文學 小說 修身養性 eat Gilbert
評分I enjoyed reading the personal experiences of the author. I sometimes feel the same way about my marriage. I long for the passion and intimacy which I had not really experienced yet. However I lacked the courage to turn my world upside down.
評分I enjoyed reading the personal experiences of the author. I sometimes feel the same way about my marriage. I long for the passion and intimacy which I had not really experienced yet. However I lacked the courage to turn my world upside down.
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