The Advancement of Learning 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分这个培根就是说出“知识就是力量”这句名言的英国培根。 一看这个书名,估计很多人就会认为这是本晦涩难懂的书,事实上,这本书是我见过最适合画思维导图的习题练习,要是一个人能条理清晰把这本书谈到的学科门类都整理出来,我很佩服。我自己评估过,不用3天时间安静去做,这...
图书标签: 哲学 教育 Bacon 英国 科学 思维 学 十八世纪
Francis Bacon, lawyer, statesman, and philosopher, remains one of the most effectual thinkers in European intellectual history. We can trace his influence from Kant in the 1700s to Darwin a century later. The Advancement of Learning , first published in 1605, contains an unprecedented and thorough systematization of the whole range of human knowledge. Bacon’s argument that the sciences should move away from divine philosophy and embrace empirical observation would forever change the way philosophers and natural scientists interpret their world.
k7a noa pa6fb iaf ra rmg 5om noa tgfb o7 86 hafb 86 pa6f ta b7 paf noa ea7 roa no6g noa ta b7 paf 97 da roa noa ea7 y7a 5a l6 ro6g 5om 96fb 96a pm7 ro7 roa im7 pa6f pa6fb pa roa 9afb bm6f tm7 pa7 lgfb t6f eam roa paf 86fb 86 roa ea om6 ro7 pa7 paf 86fb 86 f7fb bgm 96g roa ro7f ro7fb roa roa noa o7 noa tgfb roa ea7 bmg ea7 bmg r6a 5a nom 96f no7fb
评分这里谈的learning就是培根意义上的literature,用英文而非拉丁文写作学术著作,这也是静默的革命了,而在1620年《新工具》之前的revolution本来还是回归的意思。培根在第二卷第四章第四节讲的poesy其实通篇语含讥讽,内容上和Sidney与Vico一样都是前浪漫主义的号角,但其中包含的情感却与后二者大相径庭,反而更类似柏拉图的观点,一方面认为诗是character of style, arts of speech,即言说方式和演说术,另一方面和文艺复兴精神一样认为是feigned history,是story, plot,也就是秘索斯,是《哲学的慰藉》中的哲学。而他认为诗有narrative, representative, allusive,培根抛弃抒情,自认象形文字。
评分those who find it difficult to read the original edition could read this condensed online edition(http://www.btinternet.com/~glynhughes/squashed/bacon.htm)
评分those who find it difficult to read the original edition could read this condensed online edition(http://www.btinternet.com/~glynhughes/squashed/bacon.htm)
评分k7a noa pa6fb iaf ra rmg 5om noa tgfb o7 86 hafb 86 pa6f ta b7 paf noa ea7 roa no6g noa ta b7 paf 97 da roa noa ea7 y7a 5a l6 ro6g 5om 96fb 96a pm7 ro7 roa im7 pa6f pa6fb pa roa 9afb bm6f tm7 pa7 lgfb t6f eam roa paf 86fb 86 roa ea om6 ro7 pa7 paf 86fb 86 f7fb bgm 96g roa ro7f ro7fb roa roa noa o7 noa tgfb roa ea7 bmg ea7 bmg r6a 5a nom 96f no7fb
The Advancement of Learning 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书