Every mathematician agrees that every mathematician must know some set theory; the disagreement begins in trying to decide how much is some. This book contains my answer to that question. The purpose of the book is to tell the beginning student of advanced mathematics the basic settheoretic facts of life, and to do so with the minimum of philosophical discourse and logical formalism. The point of view throughout is that of a prospective mathematician anxious to study groups, or integrals, or manifolds. From this point of view the concepts and methods of this book are merely some of the standard mathematical tools; the expert specialist will find nothing new here。
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雖然開始作者就說“tell the beginning student of advanced mathematics”,我覺得恰恰相反。這本書是典型的比上不足比下有餘,拿來讀著玩吧,如果沒接觸過集閤論上來就讀估計以後就不想學數學瞭。 書裏講numbers時作者的一句話很好的概括瞭這本書或者集閤論對於數學工作者(...
評分用瞭三個月加十天,和師弟師妹們斷斷續續地學和討論,終於隻剩下最後一節瞭,感覺其實並不容易學,很難想象一個人自學還能堅持下去,那真是厲害。如果沒有葉峰老師的指導和師弟師妹的互相鼓勵,我差不多也快歇瞭。 對比Jech那本《introduction to set theory》,兩本書各有優劣...
評分雖然開始作者就說“tell the beginning student of advanced mathematics”,我覺得恰恰相反。這本書是典型的比上不足比下有餘,拿來讀著玩吧,如果沒接觸過集閤論上來就讀估計以後就不想學數學瞭。 書裏講numbers時作者的一句話很好的概括瞭這本書或者集閤論對於數學工作者(...
評分作者在序言裏說:read it, absorb it, forget it. 這本書裏的內容本身就是要養成習慣變成思維模式的東西。 就好象學計算機的人腦袋裏很自然地認為一個序列中的index是7的元素不是第7個元素而是第8個元素一樣。 而且作者一再強調這隻是一本purely expository的東西。 個人覺得這...
評分雖然開始作者就說“tell the beginning student of advanced mathematics”,我覺得恰恰相反。這本書是典型的比上不足比下有餘,拿來讀著玩吧,如果沒接觸過集閤論上來就讀估計以後就不想學數學瞭。 書裏講numbers時作者的一句話很好的概括瞭這本書或者集閤論對於數學工作者(...
圖書標籤: 數學 集閤論 經典 P.R.Halmos Mathematics math 樸素集閤論 數學(本科)
: O144/H194
評分: O144/H194
評分: O144/H194
評分典型的讀瞭和沒讀對自己影響都不大的書。{常識1、常識2、…} == 《Naive Set Theory》
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