[美] 喬·諾塞拉(Joe Nocera)
《紐約時報》商務專欄作傢,《紐約時報雜誌》特約撰稿人,以及美國全國公共電颱(NPR)周末版周六(WESat)欄目定期評論員。曾在《財富》雜誌社當過作者、編輯和編輯主任。他因在商務新聞工作中的傑齣錶現贏得過兩次傑拉爾德·勒伯(Gerald Leob)奬和三次約翰·漢考剋(John Hancock)奬,並獲普利策評論奬等奬項。他撰寫的第一本書為《參加進來:中産階級如何加入富豪階層》(1994)。他是美國東海岸羅德島州普維敦斯市人,現居紐約。
A fascinating collection of profiles by one of America’s leading business journalists
For three decades, in major publications such as Texas Monthly, Esquire, Fortune, and now The New York Times , Joe Nocera has reported on the people who dominate the business world, for better or worse. Everyone from Warren Buffett to T. Boone Pickens to George Steinbrenner to Ken Lay has fallen under his microscope.
Now, in this collection of his best work, he explores how we define good guys and bad guys in business and concludes that things are often not what they seem.
It turns out that there are surprisingly good qualities in classic villains like junk bond king Michael Milken and notorious stock analyst Henry Blodget. And some business celebrities who are widely admired, such as Steve Jobs, are not quite the good guys they appear to be on the surface.
Good Guys and Bad Guys also offers a fresh perspective on some of today’s biggest controversies, such as global warming, Apple’s iPhone, CEO compensation, the tobacco industry, short sellers, and much more.
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It's about commerce, including mergers & acquisition, stories of Apple ......It broadens my horizon and inspires me a lot
評分從一個側麵反映美國的商業秩序,商業文化 不過翻譯的忒差,有些狗屁不通的句子 媽的,評論多少位多啊,還嫌我評論太短,現在應該夠瞭吧 afdadfasdfasdfgdsgfd 阿打發打發 阿打發打發 regtreyre erterytrey二保 而炎熱也容易 reywrywyrw 65i76iyui5yui iryiruiryiyriry iryiry
評分It's about commerce, including mergers & acquisition, stories of Apple ......It broadens my horizon and inspires me a lot
評分It's about commerce, including mergers & acquisition, stories of Apple ......It broadens my horizon and inspires me a lot
評分有沒有一本書很重但是還很願意帶在路上看,有沒有一本書雖然很纍但還是想翻翻看看?這書不是金瓶梅哈,而是我手裏這本《紳士與無賴》。 作者喬•諾塞拉(Joe Nocera)是《紐約時報》商務專欄作傢,《紐約時報雜誌》特約撰稿人,就是專門寫商業稿件的。我感覺書裏選取的文章...
圖書標籤: OnWritingWell JoeNocera Fince
Good Guys and Bad Guys 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載