《Frommer's全球最佳購物地:寫給跨國買手及網絡買手的的購物寶典》作者蘇茜是一位旅行傢、作傢,更是一位天生的購物達人。《Frommer’s全球最佳購物地——寫給跨國買手及網絡買手的的購物寶典》一書是作者對世界各地自己最喜歡的近韆傢商店、品牌及購物網站的介紹,所涉及的商品包羅萬象,處處體現齣作者20多年來遊曆世界及跨國購物的經曆所積纍齣的獨到品位和眼光。 在綫閱讀本書
Our Born to Shop author Suzy Gershmanhas compiledher favorite stores, brands, and websites from around the world into one handy shopper's guide! As Suzy writes, "This book is the cumulative effort of over twenty years of research. It is a thoroughly fact-checked rendition of my Rolodex, my Filofax, my hard drive, and a million miles of international travel—and possibly a million dollars worth of shopping expeditions." Where to Buy the Best of Everything:The OutspokenGuide for World Travelers and Online Shoppers is divided by product category, with chapters devoted to Women's Clothing, Women's Shoes & Accessories, Menswear, Kids, Beauty, Homestyle, Food, Lifestyle & Department Stores, and more. You'll find close to 1000 stores and brand listings, each with Suzy's opinionated description, notes on her favorite products, price ranges, and location information. Suzy places aheavy emphasis on online shopping, so you don't need to travel the world to use this book. Websites are listed throughout, and many reviews include tips about online-only products, notes on shipping costs, and website pricing comparisons. From food to fashion, this guidespans the globe. Let Suzy teach you, as she notes in her introduction, How to Be a Shopping God or Goddess.
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Suzy Gershman's Where to Buy the Best of Everything 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載