瑪格麗特•麥剋米倫(Margaret MacMillan),加拿大曆史學傢,曆史研究與國際關係領域的領軍人物,曾任劍橋大學三一學院院長,現任牛津大學教授,並在加拿大國際關係學院、加拿大大西洋委員會等機構任職。麥剋米倫的曾外祖父就是《締造和平》的主角之一、英國首相勞閤•喬治,她的多部作品均與其曾外祖父的時代背景密切相關。《締造和平》一書是麥剋米倫的代錶作,斬獲達夫•庫珀傑作奬、西塞爾提爾曼曆史著作奬、塞繆爾•約翰遜非虛構類傑作奬等眾多奬項。
Between January and July 1919, after the war to end all wars, men and women from all over the world converged on Paris for the Peace Conference. At its heart were the leaders of the three great powers - Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemenceau. Kings, prime ministers and foreign ministers with their crowds of advisers rubbed shoulders with journalists and lobbyists for a hundred causes - from Armenian independence to women's rights. Everyone had business in Paris that year - T.E. Lawrence, Queen Marie of Romania, Maynard Keynes, Ho Chi Minh. There had never been anything like it before, and there never has been since. For six extraordinary months the city was effectively the centre of world government as the peacemakers wound up bankrupt empires and created new countries. They pushed Russia to the sidelines, alienated China and dismissed the Arabs, struggled with the problems of Kosovo, of the Kurds, and of a homeland for the Jews. The peacemakers, so it has been said, failed dismally; failed above all to prevent another war. Margaret MacMillan argues that they have unfairly been made scapegoats for the mistakes of those who came later. They tried to be evenhanded, but their goals - to make defeated countries pay without destroying them, to satisfy impossible nationalist dreams, to prevent the spread of Bolshevism and to establish a world order based on democracy and reason - could not be achieved by diplomacy. This book offers a prismatic view of the moment when much of the modern world was first sketched out.
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在舊世界逐漸消退的一片混亂裏,一群政治傢試圖藉由巴黎和會、國聯和自決原則探索新秩序的願景。盡管和會仍然充斥著大量陰謀、前後矛盾和相互中傷,和約結果也仍舊被大國的野心、傲慢和武斷所主宰,但這種探索所帶來的某些理念、散播齣去的某種希望依然難能可貴。 與此同時,模...
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評分一戰,英法美協約對抗德國,俄國在東綫與德國作戰; 二戰,英法美聯盟對抗德國,蘇聯在東綫與德國殊死搏鬥。 一戰後,英美雖然也擔心德國的軍備重整,但更憂慮蘇聯布爾什維剋的崛起; 二戰後,美英並不操心德國的重新武裝,而是即刻轉入防禦蘇聯勢力的東擴; 有意思的是,丘吉...
圖書標籤: 曆史 政治 戰爭 國際關係 一戰 history
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