Robert J. Shiller is the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics at Yale University. He is the recipient of the 2000 Commonfund Prize, awarded for Best Contribution to Endowment Management Research, for Irrational Exuberance. He is also the author of Market Volatility and Macro Markets, which won the 1996 Paul A. Samuelson Award.
The Subprime Solution 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
本学期我选修了这门课,会随着课程而更新课堂笔记:[1-7课],[8-14课],[15-23课(完)] 这是入门级的概论课。如果你有一点金融基础,就不必看了。 自己收集的书目:[金融通识 Finance for Liberal Arts] Course Description: Financial institutions are a pillar of civilize...
评分读过此书的人建议结合以下两本《伟大的博弈》,《不确定状态下下的判断启发式和偏差》 《非理性繁荣》--抛开现象看本质,对冲基金的必修课本。 《伟大的博弈》--展示美国百年金融发展历史,波澜壮阔。 《不确定状态下下的判断启发式和偏差》--更加微观的揭示人类与生俱来的行为...
评分用了很多文献和统计讲了一些故事,一些让人推翻现有理念的故事。是可以把人们的思维空间扩展的书。书中的内容一言难尽。 有一个统计很有意思。在全球一年内跌幅最大的前十名股票中(58.4%--74.9%),其后一年内的价格变化有七次都是大涨,仅有两次下跌,大的跌幅仅为18% 。
评分我2006年看的, 越看胆子越大, 68追的600150, 190出的. 不过要是没看过, 我不会在过去2年坚决不买房,不贷款, 不会那么坚决的在2008年初把70%的仓位买了2年国债,
评分图书标签: 金融 RobertShiller Robert.Shiller Economics Finance 经济学 subprime 金融危机
The subprime mortgage crisis has already wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of people and now it threatens to derail the U.S. economy and economies around the world. In this trenchant book, best-selling economist Robert Shiller reveals the origins of this crisis and puts forward bold measures to solve it. He calls for an aggressive response - a restructuring of the institutional foundations of the financial system that will not only allow people once again to buy and sell homes with confidence, but will create the conditions for greater prosperity in America and throughout the deeply interconnected world economy.Shiller blames the subprime crisis on the irrational exuberance that drove the economy's two most recent bubbles - in stocks in the 1990s and in housing between 2000 and 2007. He shows how these bubbles led to the dangerous overextension of credit now resulting in foreclosures, bankruptcies, and write-offs, as well as a global credit crunch. To restore confidence in the markets, Shiller argues, bailouts are needed in the short run. But he insists that these bailouts must be targeted at low-income victims of subprime deals. In the longer term, the subprime solution will require leaders to revamp the financial framework by deploying an ambitious package of initiatives to inhibit the formation of bubbles and limit risks, including better financial information; simplified legal contracts and regulations; expanded markets for managing risks; home equity insurance policies; income-linked home loans; and new measures to protect consumers against hidden inflationary effects.This powerful book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how we got into the subprime mess - and how we can get out.
Shiller 大法好
评分- 11/7/2012
The Subprime Solution 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书